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Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF Wa6htenaw,88. ín trie matter of the estáte of Henry Paul. Notlee is bereby glven that in pursuance o n order granted to the undersigned iiilniiiiiitrator, witb the will nnnexed, of tlio Estáte o ttald Heury Paul by the Hou Judc;e of Probat for the County of Washienaw, on the nlni. teenth day of September, A. D. . 1898, there wi be soldat Public Vendue, to the hhrhest bil der, at the late residenco oí the deeeae'd i the townauip of Pittsöeld in the County o Wasntcnaw in s:iid state, od Mondny the21s day of November, A. I). lKltó. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thatduy (subject to all eneum bracees by mortgage or otberwiip existliifr a thi time of the sale) the following uescribed real catate, to wit: The gouth-west quarter of the south-wes uuarter of Seetion Scven (7) in the township o Pittsneld. Washtcnaw county, Michigan. Alto the west half of the north-east quarte of 8ection SLx (6) in aaid townahip of Pittsfleld oontaining sixty-nine (09) and one-fourth (ij acres, be the same more or leas, Also a part of Seetion Six (6) desenbed as fol lows: namely: Bezinning on the quarter aec ilon line two(2j chaina and twenty-three 23 links westerly of the quarter stake between Hections Five (5) and Six ifi) in said towushlp and running westerly on said quarter liue eeven(T) chaina and seventy-seven (77) links theuce nortli jiarallel to east line of seetion flve(5i chaina, thence easterly parallel to the quarter liue, oight (bi chaina and seventy (70) link, thenee south nine (9) desrrees west, flve (5) chains and thirtv-two (32) links, coutaiuing four(4) acres, more or less. Also the etist half of the northeast quarter of Seetion Six (6) except a square parcel out of the south-east corner thereof containing 8ve (5) acres and exceptinpr also a parcel thirteen (13) chains anr forty six yW links in wicith North and South off the North end thereof beiag twenty-seven W7) acres more or less Also the loliowing pieceor parcel of land beginnmg on the west line of öection Kive (5) in aid township of Pittsneld, thirteen (lü) chains nl forty-alx (4S) links south if the west corner, running thence east fourteon 04) chains and elg-hty-tlve (") link, i henee south to the center of the Saline road. thence southwesterly along the center of said road to the east and west quarter line, thence west on said line ttt'ty-nine (59 links to the center of the west half of the aorth-wegt quartiT of said i section, thrnce north, ei(fht (8) chains and sixty-eight (68) links, thence west to the west line of said section, theuce north to the place of beginning. Also the followinx piece or parjel of land, also bezinning in the center ot Uie Saline road on Peel on Flve (5) in said Township, flve (f) chains and nl'th-six I58i links west or the east line of the west half of the north-west quarter or 6aiu Hection. tnenee norui si iw uimmo iu ninety-flve (96) links, thence south eighty-sevei (87) degreee and afteen (16) minutes east, eij (6j chains and thirty-three (33) links' to tin center of tlip Saline road, thence soutb-west erly along the center of 8aid road to the plaoe of beginning, being two (2) and twenty-onc hundredths (21100th) acres more or less. Also thefoilowing pieee or parcel of land eommeneing on the west line of Section ïivc ia) in said Township. three (3) chains and one (1) link north of ihe quarter post, thenee north alonif uid Section line three (3) chains anc eighty (80) links, thence south eighty-seven (8T jwd one fourtn(H)degrees east alone tbe sou tb line of a lañe ten (10) chains and "flfteen (16) links, thenee soutb one-fourth i?4) of a degroe east, seven (7) chains and seventy-two (72 Unks to the center of ihe Saline road, thence south forty-two (42) and one-half (Í4) degrees west along the center of said road six (6) chains and eighty eight (88) links, thence north flftymx. (S6)andone-fourtb(?é)degrees west, nine (9) chains and thirty-flve (35' links, thence north nine (9) and three-fourtln (JÍ) degrees east, flve (ö)fihains and twenty-elght (28) links, thenco south eighty-seven (87 1 and three. fourths (%) degrees east, ono (1) ebain and thfrty-nine (:W) links to the place of begiuning, containing twelvo (12i and twelve oue hundrodths (12 100th)acres of land more or less, Alfred J. Paul, Administrator with Will Aunexed Dated Sept. 2(lth, 1892. Chancery Notice. In pursuauce and by virtue of an order of the ( ircuit Court tor the County of Chancery, made and entered on tbe 13th lay of October. A. D 1892. in a certain cause therein penUmg, whercin Malvanda L. Waters iscomplainant, nd Harriot L. Perry, Emily Uil), Emma M . Morse, Annie B. Markin. Euaebia A, Perry, Joseph H Perry, Jano Perry, Grant M. Mor.-,e,Sadie Morso, Ozem O. Perry, and Olivo Perry are defendants. Notico is hereby given that I shall sellat public auction or vendue, to the hijrhest bidder, at the Fourth avenue entrance to the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county oí Washtenaw, and Sute of Michiiran, that beingthe place of holding the Circuit Court of said County. on Monday, the fifth day of December. A. D. 1892, atteno'cloek in the forenoon oi' said day, the following described real atate.'KitiiRta in the town.-hip of Lodi, in tbe County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to-wif fi he east holf of the southwest quarter, and the west half of the southt-ast quarter of section numher two (2), and the west half of the past half of the southwest quartev of section nu in oer one.. Dated October 2flth, 1892 PATR1CK McKERNAN, 'in uk v.uun ( nu Miiiï-'miiiM , Waebtenaw County, Michigan. J. Wlllard Babuitt, Solicitor for.Complafnant . Notice to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenuw , as. Notice is hereby iriun, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of WaBhtenaw. made on the tlilid day of October, A. D. 1892. six mnuths trom that date were ailowed for crédito to preseut their claims against the enlute of Margaret. B. D. Storj', late of 8aid countveotaned, aul that all crediton ofsaid deueased aic required to present thcir rlaims to said Probnte t'onrl , at ihc I' róbate Office in the city oí Ann Arlior, for exaruiuatlon aud allowance, on or before the thlrd day of April, next, and that such claims will be heard before uid court, on the third day of January, and on the ihird day of April uext, at teu o'clock iu tn iorenoon of each ofsaid dayg. Dated, Ann Art.or, Oct. 3, A. D. 1892. I. WILLAKD HAIiBITT, Judffeof Probate. Estáte of Charles Stollsteimer. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k_7of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the City of Aun Arbor, ou Thursday, the27th day ofOetober, in the year one thousami eight hundred aud niuety-two. , Present J. Willard Hiibbitt, Judee or Probate. In the matterof the estáte of Charles Stollsteimer, deeeased. On readinfrandflling-the pctltion duly veri(led, of Joseph T. Shaw, exeoutor, prayliir that he may be licensed to sell the Ke:il Estáte whereof said deceased died seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesdny, the 23nd day of November next, at ten o'eloek in the forenoon, be assig-ned lor the hearing of siiid petition, and tbat the devisees legatees aml heirs at law of sak deceased, and all other pereons interested in caid estáte, are reuired to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Auu Arbor and show cause, if any there be, wby thepraver ot the penüoner shouid not be granted. And it is lurther ordorcd that said petitioner rive notice to the persons interested in eaid estáte of the pendency of said petition, and the hearW thereof, by causin? a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Akiior Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said countv throe sticcessive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. J. WILLAKD HAliBITT, [A true copy.] Judpe of Probate Wii.i.iam ü. üotv. Probate Heïister. tstate of Leonora Keely. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ol Waahtenaw, es. At a session of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washteuaw. holden at the Probate Office in th City of Ann Arbor. on Friday, the eloventhday of November, in the year one tbousandeight hundred and ninety-two Preseot.J.Willurd Uubbitt, Judge of Prohate In the matter of the estáte of Leonur Keely JosephC. McKee, the adminustrator ol said estáte, inte ceun and lepresei.ts that be is now prepared to rendcr 1.1a liual account as such udminl8trator. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesd&y, the 13th day of Deember next, at one o'clock in th afternoon, be assmned for exaraiuing and allowing nich account, iind that tlie heirs;it law of said deoeasedand all other persons mterested in said i-state, are required to appear at a oession ofaaid Court, then to be holden at the Pro bateOlhce, in the city of A nu Arbor, in said couuty and Bhow cauïe.if any there be, why the said account should not beallowed. And it is fnrther ordered, that said admiaistrator give notioe to the )ersoim interested in aid estáte of the pendency of said account, and the ueurlng thereof trycausing a copy of this order to be puhlished iiï the Ann Akbor Abols, a ncwspaper pnnted and circulatiug in saW County, three successie weeks previous to said day of hearing, J. WI.LLA1ÍD BA1SBITT, IA true coy] JudKc of Probate. Wii.lia.m G. Dotv, Probate Register.