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.Hits La i iYEH lig iiJPILLS. iViUeaflacheand reliavoall thetrotfbla; .'-- ('out to a bilious etataof tho fyBtem.sti IHzíiuoss, Nausea, Drowsiuesa, IUntie.-c i :i. .- f MDg. I'aia in the Giilo, 4c. AVUilo üieir leniariabie success lias boeu sliown ia ei :;.'. j; "■ Kuche. yot Carter's Little Lrécr jíilia aro f : .i'iliy valnaLlo i n Constipation, cuving (ïiid i;r rnting thiaanaoyingcomplaiut.whilt) thcy iisa r Trc.'taUúisoriloi-Bofthostomach.stim'iiat.oi.ta J, vír suri regúlate thebowels. Even iL iUcyclj Carsd dj ea nrai a% Bgffv LLJ3 m-7 la SSSb Cu'}! Bf- II IH Ei 5 ?io i'.iey woüM bealmostpricolessto thoienUa cr.ffer fromthisliHtreBsingcomi)ln,iiit,; butfnrí j..y theirgoodne3Sdoca noteud hero.aud il;o:;3 -oceïry themwill flnd theee little pilla valí?. j3oiiauynraysthtthey will not bo wil. :.. .j '.o do withont them. But aflarallelc;-. Iwatj ACHE iü'ie bane of so many Hvos that hera h wbam ■,.■ -jako our great boast. OurpilUicureitwbüo fóftani do not. ; 'iirtor's Little Llvar Pilis aro Tery sraall and easy to take. One ortwo pilla mako adosa. 'i ley ore striotly vegetable and do not gripe oí' ;n':e, butby their gentío aotion pleaaeall who H'flihein. In yialsat25cents ; flvefor$l. Sold ly dragglata everywliero, or eent by niaiL CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York. I : f;#tLL PILL. SMALL OOSE. SMALLPRICE EEPOET OF THE GONDITION OF TUK HE!' & mm w AJJ AHI1OK, MICHIGAN, At the close of businesa, September 30, 1802. KESOUUCES. 'jotins and liseounts $K!1, 00921 Stocks. Bonds and ilortgages, utc 121,:{ni 07 )verdrafU 12,724 44 )ne f rom banka in reserve cities. '21,408 21 Dne froniother banks and bankers H, 840 06 )ue from Washtenuw Co 18,68389 iurniture aml tixtures 3,000 00 Jurrent expenses and laxes paid .. !.:ii4-ïi nterest paid 1,777 45 ihecksand cash items _ 2,937 86 iickels and pemiies 168 47 viold ooin 5,3(0 00 'ilver coin 971 70 J.S. and National Batik Not s 8,095 00 ''"'■'al $543,HeO8Ü LIA1J1IJTIES. Capital stock paid ín $ $0 000 00 urnlus fund._ 10,000 PO Jndivided pioflts 16,174 7:j Hvidends unp.iid 30 00 ndi vidual deposita $ 1 R: 570 85 rtifleates of ddposit ■239.2fiO 54 saviniiS deposita 65.S47Í7 467,37466 )uc to banks and banken _ 81 41 Total __$ 543,660 80 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, ) a, County of Vaehtenaw, i I, Frederick II. Belser, Cashier of tlie ahove iam6d bank, do tolemnly swear that tbc above italement is true to the bet of my knowleda-e nd belief. F. II. Belseii, Cashier. Subcribed and sworn to before me this 5tb day f October, 1892. William W. Whedon, Notarv Public OBRBCT- Attest . Wm.C. Stevens, ") Jüniüs E Bea i„ Directors. K. Scmpv, J (


Ann Arbor Argus
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