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WANTED, FOR SALE. ETC. PIANO TUN1NG- A. D. Brown, the wel] known piano tuner with C J.Whitney, will be in ihecity Boon. Orders left at the Ábous oilice will reeeive his attentlon. APPLES.-800 barrels oí flrst class picked winter apnles on sale at 3 00 per barrel, córner of Detroit street and north Fnurth avenue ( Finnegan l'lock). H. P. Danf'orth. ( i LAIUVO VANT.- Don't fail to see the noted 1 olairvoyant, Dr Edwards at the Gormania Hotel fot one week only. Cali at once. TO KENT.- At No. 2fl S. State St. A Hat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. Siate St. 28tf I NN ARBOR NURSEKY-Fruit and orna1 mental trees. Peaeh and pear a specialty. fïrape riñes, berry plante, etc. Pnce low. laeob Ganzhoru, head of' street. FOR SALE- Kive acres on West Hurón street Goood house, bain, orchard. Beautiful location. Will spil on easy ierras. Apply to or address E. D. Davla, West Hurón street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ;tf BRAND new Chiokerinjr upriht for sale at a sacriflce. Those desirin# a flrsr-elass instrument will do well to Ib ve Ugate this. Address, 79 S. State street. TO RENT - Furnished house heated wítb furnaee, in good order. Apply to Noh G. Butts, Koom 18 Masonic Block. FOR CASH yon can buy j our wood at wholesale price. It will pay jou to gat prices before huying: wood elsewheie. H. jKichard6, Detroit street. r OOMS.- Nico furnished rooms for rent at V 4: N.Fourth aveuue. Apply attliis office. 44-16 Poli SALE- A .new Camagre for sale or ex(hanffefora horse. Joquire of C. Powell A. A. A. R'y depot. Work for adequate renuineration " on Saturday. Used to busiuess offices aiid wood factory work, age 2S. Address J. A. B., 27 Gedles avenue FOR SALE -Ten acres for sale, on Prospect st., Ypsilanti. Will take part in exehange for a team and farm tools. Apply to J. Beamish, ln N. Thayer st., Aun Arbor. FOCND, on Hurón street, a bunch of keys. Owner can tlnd same by upplyintr to E. C. Burdick, Eberbach's Electrical Works, and paying for this Dptice. THE GREAT WINTER SíLF Which has Oommenced at MRS. OTTO'S MTLLI1TERY PAELOES Bringsthe most remarkable bargains to the front. Our vsrious departments contribute teins of unusual merit and í?reat interest to hargaln seekers. Among the leaders in the Ladies' Department are panera hata, plumes, tips. faney leathers, jets, ribbons, etc (ups, hoods, crochet jackets and skirts for children. Come and convince yourselves tliat tJiis is the great Iïarg-ain Emporium of Ann Arbor. Sealed Bids. Sealed bids wil! be received at the City Merk's oftiee, of the City oi' Ann Arbor, up to nee. Ist, 1892. at 4 o'clock p. m.,tor üghting :he city with 8!! are lights of 2,0 Ocandle power, to run from sun down to ]2:8U a. ra., on Philalelphia schedule of moonlight lischtiDif, contract to run for one year The right to reji-ot any and il bids is reserveti. By order of the Coramon Oounoil. W J. M1LLEH, CityClerk. Ann Arbor, Nov. 5th, 1891. Estáte ot Thomas G. Bur'ingame. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 0OUKTY of Wafihtenaw,ss. Al a session of the Probate Court for tiie county of W ashtenaw, holden at th Probate Uttice, in the city oí Ano Arbor, "- j Mondy. the 3!?t day of Oktober in the year ' ooe thousand eicïit hundred and ninetv-two Preaeul. J. Wiliatd Kubbitt. Judfreof Prcbate ! Tn thematier ot tbfwtute of Thomas Q. BtirlinCatbarlne M. RnrMnirnme, tho adroiaistratrix I of said estáte, comef into court aud represen unit abe is now prepared to veuder lier noaï account as such admtnistratix. Thercupoi1 it ís ordered, tbat Tuesay, tbe sixthday of December next at 10 o'clock in me forenouijf te;i-st-iMjd tor ex&niinim; and ailowin- such ccouiii, and Lli.'i tlw heirs at Iíiw 01 said dcceuseil, and dll rtthe) pefeone in tertíMíí"! in suïd estaie, are ri qnired to awpar at a Bftssion of said court, then to be boftfen a the aProbnte Office in the city of Aun Arb'i. in County, and show cause, it anythëre - wiiy the sai account sbould nnt be dluwed ud it is furtherordered that said Adtnmistrati is i'ive notie e to the peraons iotereüted iu said uitme oi tbe 1 pendnncj ol Huid account and tht' hearing tbenof, by causiufr a copy of this order to be puMisheti in tho Ann Arbor Aftaus.anewapuper priuted snd ourottlating tn aaid couuty, twu sttccfitiaivo weeka previous tosaid d:iy of hfannir. J.WILT.ARDBABBITT, (A truccopy) JudKeui ('robáis William O. Ooty, Probate Kesristcr.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News