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There is an epidemie of dipiitheria at Plymouth. John Kalmbach, of Sylvan, is building a fine new barn. Fifty new students entered the Normal school last week. Emery Turner, formerly of Dexter, has moved to Pinckney. A Calholic fair held at Chelsea, last week, realized over $500. Mrs. Mary Koeble, of Freedom, died last week, aged 58 years. The Stockbridge Methodists are building an addiion to theirchurch. Mrs. Aiken, an Ypsilanti pioneer, died November 22, aged 91 years. C. L. Clark is now proprietor' of the Roosa livery business in Milan. Prof. Sheffer organized a dancing school at YVhitmore Lakc last Saturday. Mrs. John K. Yocuni, of Chelsea, died on the 2ist of November, aged 68 years. The clock that is to be placed in the schoolhouse tower in Dexterwill cost Si, 000. The Azalia hunters have returned from the north woods of Michigan with ten deer. Since the return of the Milan hunters, venison steaks are able in that village. Cren Baldwin and family, of Manchester, have gone to California to reside permanently. Mrs. John Vedder, of Whittaker, who has been ill for several weeks, is now convalescent. Frank Crawford, of Howell, has lost part of one hand by monkeying with a clover huiler. With one excepti'on, all the employés of the Tecumseh postoffice are down with the measles. Edward Fitzsimmons, of Dexter, and Miss Maggie Dancer, of Lima, were married at Dexter on November 16. . Phil Pepiatt, of Willis, is shipping large quantities of dressed hogs, veal, calves, and live poultry, to Detroit. Dr. Chapín, of Milán, who ha been very sick for a good while, ha; recovered and is able lo attend his patients. IIow does an examinatkm affect the stature of a small pupil? Ans. - It increases his sighs. - Grass Lake News. Grass Lake is without a justice oí the peace, and the people of that burg are accordingly happy. - Chelsea Herald. L. Rodfer, a patent gate agent, let down two Farmington business men recently to the tune of $20 and $32 respectively. There has not been a Thanksgiving service in Oakville for a number of years, although they have two churches there. John Waltrous, of Chelsea, has recently shipped four carloads of onions, for which he received 68 cents per bushel. The express charges on dressed poultry shipped from Chelsea in one day just before Thanksgiving amounted to $187.40. The ladies' band of South Lyons is a "go," and a large proportion of the inhabitauts have taken to the woods (metaphoricallv). A new bridge is being built across the river in the eastern part of Manchester, replacing what h?s loug been known as the Weir brit Thomas Royal, of Milan, hasgone to Montpelier, ühio, to take charge of a scction on theWabash railroad, and his faniily will follow hira soon. There was a fine display of firuworke, good speeches, and a big crowd at the Democratie ratification blcnv-out in Manchester last week. The new oigan for the Ypsilanti Baptist clmrch has arrived, When " put in place, an organ recital under direction of F. il. Pease will be given. Ciarence VVeber and R. Stevens, two Whitmore Lake boys, each liad a leg broken by being throvvn from a horse which both of them were riding. There will be a shadow social at the school-house in Mooreville on the 2,-d of December. -The pröceeds will go toward the purchase of an organ. It is a well established truth ttiat an ounce of keep-your-mouth-shut is better than a pound of explanations aftcr you have said it. - Saline Observer. The Plymouth Mail denies that diphtheria is raging in that viílage, and last Friday's issue asserts that at that time there were but four cases of it. Hamburg tent, K. O. T. M., will have a dance and oystcr suppcr at their hall in that viNage on December 2'. Music will be furnished by the Whitraore Lake band. The losses of the Cernían Farmers' fire nsurance company have been so small the past year that no assessment will be made, which will no doubt suit the granjera admirably. We feel greatly relieved. Th_ Manchester Enterprise assures us that the cornet will respect our age and infirmity and pass at a proper distance to ensure our safety Thanks. The turkeys around Manchestei were nearly all " gobbled " for export by the poultry dealers, and the citi.ens of that place found it a difficult matter toscrape up enough for the Thanksgiving dinner. The Ypsilanti Sentinel was the most attractively illustrated paper in Michigaa over Cleveland's election. Twenty-four crowing roosters and six handsome flags embellished its first page. - Grass Lake News. Rob Cullen is the happiest man in town. A bran new boy appeared at their home Tuesday night. - Saline Observer. What kind of a boy is a 'bran" boy? - Grass Lake News. Kreckled. - .Manchester Enterprise. J. L. Payne, of Deerfield, returned, Saturday, from the big Ypsilanti sale of Shropshires with 23 head of thoroughbred registered stock. They were a fine bunch, with faces as black as crows. - Livingston Republican. The girl of the period is to inhabit another article of male wear this season. It is known as the vest; but whether she will pull it down inside or outside her ders is a matter of uncertainty yet. - Chelsea Herald. Mrs. Eva E. Martin returned to her home at 21 S. Summit, on Nov. 20, much improved in health, and feeling very grateful for the treatment received at that grand institution, the University hospital at Ann Arbor. - Ypsilanti Commercial. But one murder was ever committed in Grass Lake. In 1866 a man of the name of Smoke was stabbed to death with a knife in the hands of a discharged soldier, who served 10 years at Jackson in punishment for his crime. - Grass Lake News. First of the week, while C. N. Plimpton, Pinckney's popular undertaker, was out hunting, the gun was discharged in such a manner as to relieve Mr. Plimpton of one of his fingers and breaking another on the same hand. - Fowlerville Observer. Dell Welch, who lives north of this village, drives in every day as he attends our uniou school, and leaves his buggy under the sheds on Church street. Last Monday his vehicle was relieved of a buffalo robe. It was a bold theft. - Grass Lake News. A member of the honorable schoo board of Grass Lake, while discussing vocal music recently, remarked that he believed that he could teach a calf to sing. As we consider ourselves superior to calves we are encouraged to believe that we can learn to sing. - News. Vernon Reese was very seriouslv bitten by an unusually quiet shepherd dog belonging to Mr. Scheiferstein, An inch and a half gash in the cheek, and an ugly wound across the nose is what Vernon got, probaably for interfering with a dog's bone. - Dexfpr T.pnrlpr Cliff Green undertook to shove his gun through the pickets of a high fence with his hand over the axnzzle. The result was the little finger and side of the right hand were badly shattered, and the wrist injured somewhat. Some shot also entered his leg. - Dexter Leader. The ladies of the Parish Aid and Woman's Auxiliary of St. Luite's church, Ypsilanti, intend holding a ! Christmas market, December )th and rotb, at.the rectory, wherfancy articles will be sold and refreshments served. The funds to go towards the church debt. - Sentinel. The Plymouth Democrats were stopped by the health officers, last week W'ednesday evening, trom j ing their fireworks and torchlight ssion, on account of the prevalence of diphtheria "there. Four bands had been engaged. The schools are closed because of the epidemie. Mrs. Charlotte Cogger died last Sunday morning at her home near South Lyon of lung difficulty, after an illness of several weeks. She'was sixty-seven years of age and has lived in this vicinity for twenty-fivc years. Mrs. Cogger leaves two sons and six daughters to mourn her loss. - South Lyon Picket. The Young Women's Christian Association, of Ypsilanti, will tomorrow complete the organiaation of classes n physical culture. The courses will consist oftwelve lessons each, and are intended for both adults and children. Mrs. Foster, who is teaching at Ann Arbor and Detroit, will gie the instruction. The festive tramp, who has been roaming through the country all stirnmer and feeding on the fat of the land, finds the late cold snap objectionable tohis sensitive nature, and is novv swapping his bed in the country hay stack for a harder but Warmer one in the city Iock-up. - Livingston üemocrat. The Coldwater Sun says that Thomas McKeown, of Jonesville, is so absent-minded that he couldn' teil what his name was the other day, and later he forgot that he had taken his horse to the blacksmith shop, and kicked up a lively bobbery, believing the animal had been stolen. Thomas is not a drinking man. í'red Barrete, of Clinton, who was so severely injured at the woolen mili two weeks ago, has been unconscious since that time, but until within two or threedays ago his life has not been despaired of. Now, however, his symptoms are much worse; he is rapidly getting weaker, and his chances for recovery are very small. - Tecijmseh Herald. The other day Ernie Anderson espied a tarántula on the ceiling of Anderson & Bros.' store, just above a bunch of bananas. He captured it and put it in a lamp chimney,taking care to fasten up the euds, and placed it on exhibition in the store. Three of its legs were gone, but it gets around lively enough on the ones that are left. The bite of the tarántula is said to be venomous. - Tecumseh News. A dealer in seed potatoes makes these suggestions in a circular sent out to his patrons: i. It is always Dest to go nortli lor seed, unless living in the extreme north ourselves. 2. Nothing is benefitted by change of seed more than potatoes. Any farmer makes money by changing every few years. 3. Potatoes are best for seed which are grown on sandy or gravelly land. 4. Patatoes soon deteriórate, and it is necessary to introduce new and vigorous varieties. There is a gentleman living in the vicinity of Durand, who is six feet tall and can run up three flights of stairs without taking breath, and is as strong as a horse; yet his wife insists that he is going into a rapid decline. She reasdns in this way: when he was courting her he could hold her on his knee three hours at a stretch with the greatest ease, but now he can't hold their little 20pound baby on his lap one minute. If his health don't improve she intends to complete all arrangements for his funeral. - Howell Herald. Tomorrow, Sabbath, astronomers sny the earth will be all tangled up jinthetail of Biela's cornet, which Imsbeen shooting this way for weeks, beat on a row with our planet. If as a result of the collision the earth ia knocked out of its orbit and goes plunging back into the sun, our subscribers raay expect The News to be issued right along as usual. Our office will be in the center of the biggest sun-spot we can find, and as we shall take an electric fan along with us, all who drop. in to pay up arrearages shall be kept as cool as cowcumbers. - Grass Lake News. Two little boys, frolicsome and kind, wandered out one night to see what they could find; they met another boy who was to them a clium, says they to him, "let's go and have somc fun." They ransacked the town and gathered a throng; they called on the teachers and sang them a song. The people were alarmed by their serenade, and carne rushing out to see the parade. The teachers were surprised to hear the four sing, who, wfaen calied on hat day wpuld do nothing but grin. - Grass Lake News. vjjuo UttCii, J.1CÏV3. The latest story ofthe sale of awife comes from the westernmost scction of Jackson county. The Randy June episode is undoubtedly still vivid in the minds of Citizen readers, but the latest barter ia huraanity is seemingly more ridiculous than that. As the story goes, there is a widower in the county who greatly desired a helpmate. As there was no availablé timber in his locality, the sorrowing widower vas jn a quandary. He finally, however; induced a neighbor to part with lus wife, which he did for $ioo cash and a two-year-old colt. The woman did not object to the 'transfer, and went to her nev; hume with apparent pleasure. -


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