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Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. Wkst's Nerve and Bkai.v Thkft munt, a g-uaranteed speciflc for Hysteria iZ ziness. Convulsiona, Fits, Nervous Neui-alirta HeadRche, Nervous Prostration caused bv the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakeful ness, Mental Depresston, Sof tening or the Bruin resuliino In insanity and leading to misery, decav and death, Premature Oíd Age, BaríenS S, ot Power in either sex, Iuvoluntary oes and Spermatorrhoea oaused by over-excri of the brain, self-abnse or ovor-iudul'S x?M t?X cont.ai1,18 "ne tnontirs treafmer.,' 81.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.(10, sent by m I prepaid on reeeipt of priee. WE GUARAN1EE SIX BOXES Tocure any case. With each order rceived by jis for six boxes. aecompanied with $5 w we will send the pureöaser our writteu uaraut to ref und the money if the treatmen t does oS effect s. cure. Guarantees isued ouIt hv Eberbach & Son, Drug-grista, Sole Agents, Aiiï ATDOr, M.1CQ$500 Reward! WE will pay theabove reward lor any case Indigestión, Constipation or Costivenps wb oanuot euro with West'e Vegetable Liver i-lla when the directions are strictly coinplied v iiS rhey are purely Vegetable, and nev-er f, t0 glvesatístactíon. yugar Coated. Lame contaming 30 Pilis, 25 cents. Bewareof ■. 'n terfeltaand imitations. The srenuiue ;, i - PA NY r?ÍTÍ nTf?rB ,3OPN WEST PANY, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by all drug? WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. The Newest Designs ! PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR 0, SORGf THE DECOKAÏOR, 7O &- r-A.lisr st. MRS. C. H. JONES, MfflOMBU KH.1KE1! Fomtli St. Opposite Court House iraping and Cnitia; a gpscialíy! omtüiirbytheKeüog Proneh ïaylor System : fTC ftiQf ken:aSESQFTHE.SKIf: . f.nd SkiIJf ully Treated odicluo Fraiul, ( Bnt a (''ar n', iiM'-n)r)DiitituteFaife, J ;leah Hand ( Houest Parpóse. ■ Wf?ntr yearq aotíve Hospital snd Sanitar:p8nence Thousaads of happy frratefui. f nnaaag intoevery State in liic Union. i - you are nterested. investicate. You wlll be ploasfd and mayhe surprissd. Write fnliy. luquire frsely. A valuaWe trei ti R cf a Private Ntur-, tree. öEKD FOR 1T. Address or cali on DR. O. é. f H ANNA. JACKSOS.


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