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lheie was a pleasant social and supper at the Baptist church last night At the eye clinic, on Monday, Dr. Carrow operated on five cases of cataract. The junior laws will niake another eftort, tomorrow moraing, to elect offlcers. The State ilorticultuval Society meets in Ann Arbor the last of the month. Gov. Winans was in the city on BaWday, on his way to the Dickinson reception in Detroit. The Chautauqua Circle met Tuesday evening at the residence of Mrs. Mmfin, on Rast Huron street. Dr.W.J. Herdman will speak at Newberry hall, Tuesday evening, on "We are the Light of the World." The Temple degree was conferred by the Knights Templar at the commandery on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Will Stimson, of East Liberty street, is getting better of diphtheria, but is troubled with heart f ailure. George Foster, of the river road, has presented George Rhodes with a string of ten quails, the fattest of the seasou. The Q. W. Z. club gave a delighful social hop at the Swiss Cottage on West Iluron street last Tuesday evening. ■ Some of our coal dealers claim that they make but 16 cents proüt on each ton of coal they sell. l'oor business, il' true. If you wish to oall on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearney, sr., you will find them at their new homo on Forest avenue. Grand Master Innis, of Grand Kapids, is expected to visit the Masonic lodges here abont the middle of this month. Kalph Stone has resigned the presidency of the Western Inter-collegiate Association, and is succeeded by H. G. Cleveland. St. Thomas' temperance society was addressed on Sunday evening by Rev. Fr. Van Antwerp, of Detroit, who is a fine orator. Dr. E. C. Osmun, house physician inthe homeopathie hospital, has resigned, and will practice his profession at Three Oaks. While theieis no epidemie of scarlet fever in the city, stlll there is enough of it abroad to keep many parents on the anxioua seat. John Staebler. of Ann Arbor town, hasboughtthepropertyof Chris. Blinker, 12 West Summit street, the consideration being $1,300. Thanksgiving services were held at Newberry hall, last Sunday morning, under the :uispices of the Students' Christian Association. On Tuesdaythe píate glass front was put in John Eisele's spleudid new store on Detroit street, Chas. Staebler having charge of the work. The fence which has enclosed the Observatory grounds so long that "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary," has been removed. Fred Sipley and Alderman Rehberg, chairman of the poor committee, went to Milan on Saturday and purchased a supply of wood for the city. Weinmann, the butcher at the corner of Washington street and Fifth avenue, has put in a splendid galvanized iron front in his doublé store. ünr farmers are becoming very enterprising. One of them has commenced peddling home-made bread and fried cakes from house to house in the city. " There are between liltv and sixty iron pillara supporüng the superstnicture of the gymnasium building, lhe work is 'being pushed vigorously, even on Sundays. Artlmr Volcaning indulged in too mueh tanglefoot, and tor so doingwas sent to jail for five days, by Justice Pond. The way of the transgressor is hard indeed. The Sunday school circle of tl ie Epworth League will give a "Cornstalk social in the Methodist church thisevening,tojvhichall are mvited. Admission, 10 cents. A business meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Bethlehem churcli was heidon Monday evenmg at the residence of J . A. C. Hildnei South División street. Unity Club will give a Dickens Christmas Carol entertainment on next Monday evening, which promisea itobe one of the most unique and mteresting 'eveniiifis in itscourse. According to the annual report of the librarían the l'niversity libráry containa 82,347 boun'd volumes, 15,930 pamphlets, and 726 maps. The library receives 851 periodicals. Up to the Tlianksgiving recess the registration of Btudenta in the Univer sity had reached 2,679, and Secretary Wade is conh'dent that the number this year may yet reach 2.80Q. Charles Andrews, of the h'rm of Andrews cV Soh groceis, held the winning number in a raffle for a four-yearold horse, last Friday evening. The horse was put up for the raffle by John Miller. You had better begin now to thiuk of what you will purchase asChristmas gifts. Ouly tliree weeks from next Sunday and the great holiday will be upon you. Let us make each othei happy. The motor line had a hard time of it after the heavy snow-fall of Sunda.v night, trains being yery inuch delayed. But they stuck to it with commendable persistence, and only one trip was missed. The woods are full of rabbit hunters, and game seems to be plentiful and in good condition. The recent snow-fall was just what was needed by lovers of this sport, and they were prompt in taking advantageof it. Prof. de Pont will lecture before the University School of Music, Saturday, at 4 p. m. The fourth faculty concert will begiven in Newberry Hall, Thursday, Dec. 8, at 8 p. m. Au adniission fee of 25 cents will be charged. A movement is on foot tö secure a Wonian's Relief Corps home in this state. A circular has been issued to the G. A. II. posts and the corps of the W. R. C. department of Michigan, to find out the prevailing sentiment in regard to such a nios'ement. CoHÍklent that the beneticent power of' the Democrats will control the destinies of this great nation for at least a generationto come, Luick ] 5 ros. have taken down their towering pole anti converted it into stove-wood. The pulpit of the Unitarian churcli will be íilled next Sunday by llev. Dr. John Snyder, of St. Louis, who ex changes with Mr. Sunderland. Dr. Snyder is one of the most able and eloquent preachers in the country. We have pleasure in announcing that Fred. Bettich, jr., who has been seriously ill for a long time, has so far recovered as be able to sit up iaos% of the time. His many friends would be glad to see him on our streets again. MonQay evening the Inland League had the pleasure of listeuing to Rev. J. Mills Gelston's lecture on "Tteformers on the Continent," which was a masterly effort. Coming from Mr Gelston it could not be otherwise. The Students' Chrïstian Association is arranging ior i series of lectures by George R. Wendling on "The Man of Galilee," and by Professor Stagg on "The Modern Athlete." Possibly Hou. John Wanamaker may also besecured. Some sacrilegious villain brote into Zion's church last week and stole vvhat money there was in the collection box tor the poor. While the amount was probably not large, tlie crime may be characterised as colossal. Chicken thieves are making life weary tor the owners of poultry in and aronnd Ypsilanti. The remedy is very simple: Sit on the hen-coop all night with a shotgun, aud have yovir wife bring out a warm luiyh at midnight. SeeV The tirst of 'the series of lectures by Prof. Thompson on "Mosaic Law" was given in the law lecture room on Tuesday evening, and the series promises to be of intense interest, especially to students of Old Testament history. Professor Kussell, of the University, , gave a very interesting lecture, - day eveniug, before the Unity Club, on , his researches in the desolate regions , of Alaska. It was illustrated by lantern views. 'J'liere was a large attendance. __ The Washtenaw Evening Times is now a six-column quartor, whieh is a great iinprovenient over the folio fonn in which it has heretofore appeared, besides afl'oiding ïnuch more space for news and, incidental ly, for advertisements. ■ The proprietors of the bath housea in this citv have locked horns on prices, and bafiis are now so cheap it would almost be a sin for anv one to Ko aroutid with even a speek oí dirt on liim. "It's an ill wind that blows sood tonobody," astheold proverbsays. For somt; time the question of organizinga Cniversitj press club bas been agitated, and the, plospects are now good foritsaccomplishment. lts object will be to train college men intending to enter the journalistic öeld. A meeting for the furtherance of this object wülbe held this evening, and will be addressedby Professor Scott. The hill on Felch street, between the new culvert and Spring street, has been eut down to an easier grade; but the widtli of the street from the foot of the hill to the railroad tracks should be considerably increased, to allow teams to pass each other wtth safety. Four congenial spirits of this city, Messrs. John V. llunt. Dudley Looniis, I. F. Lawrence, and Joaeph Parker, will indulge in a quail supper, witli the usual acceaspries, at the residence of the last named gentleman, on Sunday evening. 'Oh, what must it be to be th ere V ' ' The danger of comtnunicating scarlet fever to tho3e not affected, is by permitting convalescents to mingle among them even when the patients seem to have fully recovered from the disease. Keep the children at home until all danger is past beyond peradventure. The annual exliibition of the Ann Arbor Art Club was open ed at noon, Wednesday, with asplendid display of wovk, and will close tonight. Tlie exliibition this year is better tban ever before. The club deserves thé enconrI agenient and support of every lover of art. Washtenaw County Ilorticultural Society meets at the court house, December 3rd. It is the annual meeting tor the election of ofticers. Arrangements are also to be made tor the meeting of the state society to be held here Dec. 27th to 29th. There should be a ful] attendance. Hon. C. B. Grant, justice of the Bupreme conrt, will deliver a lecture on "The Enforcement of Law," on Tuesdayevening,Dec. 0, at the l'resbyterian church. Tlie meeting will be a general oiie in the interest of law and order. The public is invited. The Chequamegon orchestra will furnish music. The subject of a broader basis of membership in the Students" Christian Association is being agitated, so that members of other than evangelie-al chinches, or of no church, may be admitted, but without being entitled to a vote. Many prominent members of the association favor the proposition . Emanuel Custer, father of the famous General Custer, who was killed in the awful Indian massacre on the Little Big Ilorn, died at Raisinville, uear Monroe, on Sunday, aged 80 years. Besides General Custer, he lost two other sons, a grand-son, and son-in-law in that bloody battle. He carne to Monroe in 1842. George VV. Johnson and Miss Bertha Fingerle were married at the residence of the groom's parents, 31 South Twelfth street, Thursday evening, November 24th, by Rev. Mr. Young, pastor of Christ church. A Hash-light picture of those present at the ceremony was taken, which will be a valued souvenir sometime away down the pathway of their lives. The Inland League entertainment next Monday night will consist of a piano recital by Mr. Jullus V. Séyler, and a numberof violin solos by Mr. E. N. Bilbie. This will be one of the best entertainments of the coiuse. In ordei to secure desireable seits it will be necessary to be on hand promptly at 7:30, at which time thedoors will open. The concert will begin at.S p. m. sharp. Adrnission only 10 cents. About fif ty colored boys were around on Thanksgiving eve collecting donations for one of the colored chnrches. They carried with them small stone jais with a slit cut near the top just wide enough to admit the coins, but so narrow that in order to get the money out again the jars would liave to be broken. A prize was to be given to the boy making the largest collection. There was a song recital at the Vlethoilist church last niglit, conducted ay Clinton Eider, ablyassisted by Miss Ilillspaugu and Miss Putnam. Mr. Eider sani? some new and delightful songs as only be can sing tliem. The stlier musical selections were froni the "Messiah," and were admirably rendered. The recital was for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society of the church. lt should be generally known that a postal card upon which is written a demand for payment ol a debt or a threat to sue or to place in the hands of a lawyer for snit, has been decided by the courts to be non-mailable matter under the postal laws, and anyone mailing such a postal card rendéis himself Hable to criminal prosecution. Demanda to pay, threats to sue, etc, must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. 8ix inches of spow f ell in this city and viciuity on Sunday evening, tothe delifflit of coasters and most other people. The merry sleigh bells have been jingling on every side, and rvcrybody tliai could enjoyed the temporary sleighing. Il was a "soft" snow, and clung to the branches of the trees ténaciously, so that on Monday morning they resembled beautiful white pyramids. The asonal -ilail-ee" was uearil on evei-y bill-side, and to have to abandon the sled forthe school is an aw-ful deprivation for the "kids." Miss Berthft Krause, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry Krause, of West Liberty street, died Saturday morning, of heart disease, aged 30 ears. She had been a sufferer for several years. Among those from abroad wlio attended the funeral, Tuesday afternoon, were Mis. George Hlrth, of Detroit: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirth anti daughter, of Toledo; and Mr. and Mrs. Adolpli Krause, of Grand Rápida. The reniains were interred in Forest llill cemetery. Tlie November number of the lnlander has been issued. Among other interesting articles is "A Biography of Don M. Dickinson,"' by an intímate friend of the great Democratie leader; an article by Judge C. B. Grant on "Liquor and Politics" in reply to an article written by Bishop Doane in the Xorth A'merican Review; "A Dispute About ïaste," by Prof. F. N. Scott; an attractive and clever sketch by W. A. McAndrew, entitled "The ürgan Loft," and many other good things. About twelve o'clock last Saturday night, Frank CampioD, night-wati-hman, discovered that a portion of the outside stairway at the rear of tlie oppva liouse was on lire. He called to hi.-w.ssistanceOffieerColhnsandothers, and l'orming themselves into a bucket brigade they extinguished the flames, or thought they did. Sunday at noon however, flames were again discovcm near the same place, the casing of the stairs being ablaze. The lire depart ment promptly responded to a cali and soon put it out effectually. The lire is supposed to have originated from the depositing of hot ashes under the stairway by soine adjacent resident. On Tuesday evening of last week President and Mrs. Angelí tlirew open their residence t the iaculty mernbers of tlie University Senate. Many who were in attendauce unite in sayingthat it was the greatest afiair of the kind they ever attended in Aun Arbor. The decorations, which consisted of white chrysanthemums and white roses, contrastod wel! wlth tlie gay costumes of tlie ladies. The gentlemen appeared n l'ull deesa also. Delicate refreshments were served during the evening. Mrs. Angelí liad spared no pains to make this one f the most desirable features of the reception, and she was more than successful in the atternpt. All who attended unite in praising the efforts of the president and his wife, and pronounce them ideal entertainers.