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Estáte oí Elizabeth E. Roye,-. STATE O F MICHIGAN, COUNTY oi Washtenaw, ss At a feession of the Probatt Cüurt for the Cuunty ot Wayhtenuw, holden al the Probate Office in the city ot Ano Arbor, on Saturday, the 26th daj of November in the vear one thousmid tight hundreü ami uinttytwo. i'reacnt, J. Willard Babbitt.Jndge of Pmbate. In the mnttör oí the estáte ol Eósubíth E,lí' ver, deceasi . Édward ü. Kinne, executor of the ï ft wil] and testi'niput of sa'd decea:d, comta iuio eour' Hiid reprOTenl that he is now prepareü io renóu' bis account as guch executor. Thercupon it ia ordcrtd tbat Tuesday, tfce 27i) day of D'ect'nibèr uext, al ten o'eluck m thefort noon, be aaigned for exaniiniDgand &Uow!i hucIi ucoount, auü that the deviafiea, légateos ;n . hein at law of Bfiiti deeeaaed and aJl other piirous mlerested in said estáte are rcquired to appeat at a session of said eourt, then tobe holden at the Probato Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid counly, aud .show oause, if anv the re bc why tiit sHid itccount hould not be aliowed. And it íb further ordered thftt said executor give Dotice to the persona iuteicsted insuid estáte of the peudency of said account and the heariug thereoi by causini; a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Aubor Akocs, a newspaper print-ed iind circulatinK in anid county, three suceessive weeks previous to said dav ofheaiinc J. WJIXARD BAfcBITT, (A truecopy.) Judgeol'Probate Willtm G . ÜOTY.rrobate Keister. KLisö i mum mm. ühöceei AND FL0Ü8 ANO FEED STORE, "vVc keep consvictlj on haiui BF!EAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wlioleoale or EetaU Traóe. We shall also keep a supply ol OSB0RiE'S GOLD DUST PLOUR. J. m. Swift & Oo.' Beet White Wheat Flour, Eye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Com Keal, Tjed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retai!. A fenerai slOck ol 3R0OE3IES AND PEOVISIOKE constanüy" on hand, ivhich wül he söld on as reaeonable terms as at any other house in the cuy. ' PrX'ènïralIv!" '" d CUn f-Goods Dehvered to anv part of the city whh Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorla.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News