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James Clements went to Bay City on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Carrow spent Sunday in Toledo. Neil AYilliams ate Thanksgiving turkey in Clinton. Oscar O. Sorg went to Detroit on business, Wednesday. Rev. Fr. Kelley went to Detroit on business, Tuesday. Aid. Prettyman was in Detroit on business last Wednesday. Dr. Reeves and his wife and son are visiting friends in this city. J. F. Lawrence and E. B. Norris were in Lansing on business this week. E. N. Bilbie filled an engagement with the Detroit orchestra on Wednesday. Chief Justice Maxwell, of Nebraska, was in the city a few days this week. Miss Hattie E. Sober, of Moline, 111., is visiting her brother, Hiram A. Sober. Miss Emma Weinmann has been enjoying a visit from MissThalmann, of Monroe. William Biggs, contractor and builder, went to Detroit on business, Wednesday. Warren E. Walker and Chase Dow are home from their hunting expedition up north. Martin J. Cavanaugh, who has been visiting a brother in Paw Paw, has returned home. JMi w. Moore, ot the Agncultural Company, went to St. Johns on business, Monday. A. B. and I. K. Pond, of Chicago, spent Thanksgiving with their parents in this city. Mrs. D. H. Brown is entertaining her aunt, Mrs. Dora H. Frazer, of Campbellford, Ont. Professor A. B. Prescott returned on Monday morning from his visit to Columbus, Ohio. Miss Lizzie Dean has been spending several weeks with friends in Chicago and at Coldwater. The Misses Beckwith, of Forest avenue, are enjoying a visit from Miss Fitzhugh, of Bay City. H. A. Williams, cashier of the F. and M. bank, with his family visited relatives in Dexter last week. Miss Emma Alexander, of Northville, had a pleasant Thanksgiving with her relatives in this city. Miss Amelia Huss has returned from Saginaw, where she has been visiting her brother and sister. Louis T. Hessier and family will soon go to Hazelton, Pa., to reside. We can i 11 arford to lose them. Walter Mack helped to swell the delegation of business men that went to Detroit on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Condón, who has been spending two weeks with his family here, returned to Hancock, today. Mr. and Mrs. George Dengler and Mr. Dengler's mother returned on Monday f rom a visit to Ovvosso. Mr. S. R. JVills has been appointed chorister anfl Mr. R. T. Thompson, leader of the University Glee Club. Mrs. Walter C. Butler, of Waukesha Springs, Wis., is sojourning with her daughter, Mrs. James L. Babcock. Mrs. C. G. Darling entertained Mrs. J. N. Payne and children, of Detroit, from Thanksgiving till Saturday. Charles Staebler went to Detroit, Wednesday, to purchase plate glass and other things for the front of his new premises. lr. E. C. Osmun, house physician in the homeopathie hospital, has resigned and will go into practice at Three Oaks. Mrs. Dr. Collins returned to Detroit, Monday, having spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Stebbins, of Packard street. Mrs. M. A. Jones, of South Thaye'r street, entertained Miss Edith E. Atkins, of Lansing, several days last week. Miss Edith E. Atkins, teacher in the Lansing high school, spent Thanksgiving vacation at her home, 31 S. Thayer street. Mr. and Mrs. Lew H. Clement are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Homer, who are Mrs. Clement's parents. Misses Anna Bailey, Mary Burridge, and Ida Rectur, students in the University, spent the Thanksgiving recess in Tecumseh. Robert Thompson, of Toledo, visited Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Orcutt, of Miller avenue, on Saturday. Geo. W. Johnston, of this city, and Miss Bertha L. Fingerle, of Lansing, were married at 31 Twelfth street on Thanksgiving evening. John L. SuUivan s visiting in the city this week. He is not the John L. of pugilistic proclivities and fame, but a genial gentleman of Eaton Rapids, and brotherof Dr. Sullivan, of this city. H ram A. Sober, instructor in Latín in the University, was niarried to Miss Gertrude Clark, of Northville, last week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodale, of Detroit, were the guests of Sheriff and Mrs. Dwyer, several days last week, returninj; home on Saturday. Hon. Edward Duffy, Hon. Chas H. Manly, and John V. Sheehan went to Detroit on Saturday, to attend the reception to Don M. Dickinson. Miss E. Cora DePuy visited in Tecumseh last week. She is the the author of a story entitled "Paul Sayer's Reward," in the last issue of the Literary Cgntury. Cari Schlenker, lit '92, who is a member of the faculty of Carthage College and managing editor of the Carthage Collegian, visited friends in the city, Thanksgiving day. Fred Brown, of Orchestrion hall, is with a deer-hunting party in North Michigan, this week. He declared before leaving that he would bring home a deer, even if he had to buy one. Col. J. M. Orr, of 29 Jefferson street, has returned home from Tifiïn, Ohio, where he has been engaged for some time in looking after his interest in oil wells. F. Grant Osgood, who has been steward on one of the Sandusky transportation steamers the past summer, was a visitor in this city the past week. He expects to make one more voyage up the lakes before the close of navigation. Harry Hawley, of the Denver Times, arrived in the city Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hawley has been here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Mack, for some time. Mr. Hawley will go to New York on Business before returning home.


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