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PUF _ Eick HeaSache and raHovfl oU lbo tronólos ECiöent to a btlloun stuto oí tlio ój stem, cach as Dizzinesa, HüUsefi, Di"jv.-iueas, Distress j.fter C3ting, Pain in tho biúo, rt.0. v1iiij tilalriao36 twQAuftbtb aucjoea iiaa been aitawn ia cuiilïg Headlache, yet Cattat'a Litüo Lítou Pilla &M equally valuablü iu Oonailpation. curia y. and pra venting tQisamjtiyincouijlaiuí.while t ij; y also correct ftH disorclors cl t be jtoruju...:! miiLitothn liver r.nd rogulato tlie bowele. Evod if t&ey july ' Aolis Ihey wonld be8lmoatpr')ceU-=E '.o ffioaa wha Bufíerfromtlii8dibtijBsing. o:-'i'l.:.t; biitíortu Cately tholrgoodaoeí (loes uotoad !iere,and thona Whocnc6tryttemv;illii;; thaao llttlsp llavaltlftblein somauywuií tUit will not üo wí!ïlBg to du without tlioui . B if. nitor a', i )íck iwa4 'fcttiebanocf so mr.v T.vns tiit rt- !e"TheTí Tíemakeüurgreiví boyí. Oit: ví.'im ctitwliltó Othors do not. Cmtor'u Llttla I,: ver PiUs aro vfcry riTni'.l and very eanj' to take. One . ? l-.v... jviïls i.h'ají dotó. They ore veiiib5. iu1 ''o wí lï'-po pï purgo, but bv tJieir rci'i'" i m u o.m lasftll vao naethom. la ylaliratíS cents. ; ; " fcy ürag-iata eveiyii li:;, %.-;? . . i ■.■:'■ - ■ CARTER 5C:Oíü:M.f: OO Á... J ..'... SMALL P1LL. SMALL BSL, SALi. Prt;E THïTgREAT WIÑTEJTSALÍ Wbich has Commenced at MRS, OTTO'8 MTLLUJERY PAELOES Brin}rsthe most remarkable bargalna to tlie fiont. Our vH.rious depfirtineiits oontribute tenis ol' unusual merit and great iuterest to hargain seekei-s. Amouír the leaders in the ladies' Department are pattein hats, plnmes, tips, l'ancy feathers. Jets, ribbons, otc. (;aps, hoods, crochet jucki'ts and skirts for ehildren Come and convince yourselves that this is thegreat Bnrjrain Emporium of Ann Arbor. -;■-■"■■ _. :f _;' pREMEMBER THIS FACT. Your Bowels and Kidneys must always be free to perform their funotions. They are thfl safoty valves of the system and lf allowed to beeome obstructed the Hefuse of tlie body, not eliDiinated will poison the blood aud sickueas nevitably follows. The Dr. Eisenbarth 1-iver Pilis will regúlate your bowels and stiinulato, t lienlthy actioa your Llver, Kidneys and Digestiré Orgaus. Kor Sale by MANS ;nOS., Dnigifists, I.MainSt. EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS IN I flXg"S5, Medicines, Cliemicals, Dye Stniïs, Artist's atiïl Wax Flowor Materials Toilet krticles, Trusses, Etc. PIJRB 1INR8& L1QUOKS Special attentfivn p:iil tntne fiiniishing of Pbysicians, Chtiinist Schools, etc, wlth philosonhica and Chemical Ajiarittus, lïohemian Chemical Glass ware, Porcelain Ware, Reag-ents, etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Cart't'ully Preptired a All hours. i i n gs i fe il w I w il gg S Pi S ? M u S W g? i H si fï SzS 8 I tl o 5 2.= 03 I M. P.. VOGEL, I)B.LEH IN FhísIi, Salt and Siuokeü Moa ts And trálnc tusotison. 22 E. "HTUHplSr STREET


Ann Arbor Argus
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