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StopIMefl Any one whose Watch has a bow (ring),will never have occasion to use thistime-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted off the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with sm. this trade mark. yjffl Ask your jeweler for a pamphlet, or send to the manufocturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPH1A. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE FOR 1893. PARTIAL PROSPECTUS. Francés Hodgson Burneti wtll contribute the flrst aerial to appear In a liiilKUilie fium lier pen for limriy i'iii . cnli tled THE ONE I KNTCW THE BEST OF Lli.' H. C. Bnnner will furuish a series of 8ix sketches ntitloi MEKSEY 8THEET AND JEH9EY LA.NE.' Illuetrated. Robcrt Graut will rt-late the furiher experloneea o1 Frftd. and Josephlne in "A 8EQUEL TO THE IÍKFLECTIONS OV A .MAlililKli MAN." lililítrated. ll:inlil I'roilprio will contriliute a poltUcal novo] o!' irreal power, entltled THE COPPBBBEAD. lïy the Antlior ol' "JTerry." Miss S. il. EiiiiiOTT, the author of "Jerry," wlllwrltea reaMstlo story ol' llfe among Hu Tennessee mountalneers, 'THE Dt'KKKl SPERBET." Personal Reminisceiices. SOME UNPUIHJSHED r.F.TI'EUS OF C. KI.VLK TO F.DWAKD IltviNG and others, iit-iiiinn wiili part of Carlyle's life far different from t lint orought out in the recent literature of Carlylo reminiscenees. KECOLLECT1ONS OF LINCOLN AND 8OMNER. By the late Mahquis de Ciumhhtn. Bpth artlules are full of new matter. AN ARTIST IN JAPAN. l)y Kobkrt lii.L'M. wlio has just returneil from a residenee of nearlytwo years in that country. Abundan' ly ülutratcd ty the ftuthor. HISTOBIC MÖMENTS, whieii have been a feature of the magazine dtirint; 1HK2, will be continued Ijy Borne partícularly strikinji papers, among tnem several by tbe irreat war eorrespondents, WnxiáM H. KusHEi.i-, AHCiiiBAr.D FORBEB, and others. Men's Occupatiöns. A series of artieles on the life and work of men in many ealling's--the chiet' ways (exclusive of professionsi in wliiuh men oarn their llvelihood. The World's Fair in Chicago. A series will be published later In tlie year Kivingr the impressions made by the exhibition upon different observers of note, lioth American and foreiíín; and inanyol' these observdrs wiJI lie also artists who will Ilústrate their uní artieles. Miscellaneoiis Artieles. Further contributions to the POOIt IN GHBATCmSS. Mrs. Bdrnett'8 ilhistraled paper on theLondon plan lor HOMK AID TO INVALIl) CHILDRRN.ete. Of special interest also will be Professor Hrilfhtn's authorltative account of the PEARV KKLlEK EXPEDITION lilhistrated), a very interestinartiele by OCTATB l'.iNNF. on the exhibition of WOMAN'S AKTnow iroing on In 'Paris, and artieles upon artistic subjeots, oeoounts of navels, etc., etc. Tlie llliistratioiis of the yenr wilt reprogent the work not only o!' the well-kDown Illustrators, bul inany drawinífs will tilso appear by artista who are best knowniis patotera. $3.0OaYear; SPECIAL OFFER. i2rabae„rl a Subscription for 1893, - $4.50 The same, with back numbers bound in cloth, - - - e öo NOW IS THE TJMK TO SUBSCRIBE. CHAKLES SCKIBNKirS SONS, 743 Ilroiulway. Jcw Vork. WANTED Wiile-annke workersevcrywliere for -snepp's Photorrapbs of the World": the trreatest book on enrth; oosting (llinilllin ÍKM).00(); retailat $:'.r,, cnsh or inH PiHr Rtiillmoiits; ïuanimoth Ulustrated IIHUI 1 H clrcilars and terms f ree: datly output over 1500 volumes. A (renta wild with suecess. Mr. niIATAflI) I MU' rilie.Texa, Tbos. L. Mak-I'IIII H y cleared KI tin. Center 1 IlUlUUllxTl IliJm o days; Miss Hosk Adams, Wuostcr, ()., 281n 4(1 minutes; ;v. J. Howaui) .- _,,_ 11 (Slllll Maiiison, I.yous. N. Y , OP THE H IK IJ ïiuiln-, hmirsia bonanza;" "'■ II 'MILU ïnaif uitleent outfit only Í1.00. Books on credit. Kreighl pald. Ad. Globe Bible Piitilishinfr Co., m CliestnutSt., Pbila., Pa ,or 868 Dearborn at. Chicago, 111. Seton Hall College. CATHOLIC. South Orangc Tiew Jersey. Unsiirpnssed for bealthfulnesa of locatlon eleg-ance of buildings, general eqnipmenl and excellence of Instruetlon. FOUNDED 1S56. Send lor prospectus and book of photctrruijhie views. REV? WM, F. MARSHALL, President. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.


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