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jff'll '1 l KA X f 11 reait Makes an every-day convenlence of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome, Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations- and nsist on having the NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOÜLE. Syracuse, N. Y. WM, HERZ, NO.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. HOUSE SlGN, OrHAMEKIL AND FrKSCO PaINTER, irildin? caleiminmï, rlazinfr aad paper nanp fnir llworkis done In the best stylc and ívírrañted t scive satisfactton. ICE' All persons wishing to order pure and clear ice sliould order it of J. ANDRÉS Box 1110, Ann Arbor. Orders by postal card promptly attended to. Dr. F. G. Selii'epper, fimÉ SÜBBEDI Isresponsilile for all the rork he does in his line of business. OFFICE: At Kittredjre's Liver.v Stalile. Kesidence, T Foimtaln Street, VISTKT ARBOR. Order may beleft or telephoned to Eberbnch's Drug' Store. WALTEE'S METALLIC &f „S C&IIBJfM ETC? nt Tin FllraBv9 1J ï)late' and 'teel WgfiilUl!! sheet? galvanied. can luy thera painted or not. Oiir GÍalvanized Shingles aro rain and rust proof, without the iiccisii.v pi uaintiugr. uur pSioiict Tin Miinïtes are mofe fmrable ánd oranamental thtni it is nossible to make a tin roof, put on in the old fastaioned style. Write for prioe list K. Satiosal Phrbt Metal Roofing Co., 9C1MC 8t., New York. I 1 % fj t ai i i the Larfrest Gold Mire. MM IKI kfl the Largrest Silver Mines. isiuüiia nis gsasssEsssagr Has Extensive Graziug Ranges, FineTimber Belt. Wide Agricultural "ValleysIe larjrer than New England, New STork, Pennsylvauia, New Jersey and Delaware couiblned. The Great Northern Railway is thedirectline from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Great Falla, Monarch, Neiharl, Jiarker, Helena, Butte and Other Montana points. Apply to your home railway aj-'C-ut for tickets over the Greiit Northern. T „.. I do not wish to blow into LhiND Í them, but merely whisper that the Keil Vulley otlers line ., i induceménts for homo seekers, ML ! as also the entiro rejfion nlons the Great Northern Hailway . througrh Minnesota, North üaYUUK kola lin(1 Montana. For Maps, lir.ide lioolis, etc, apply to F. I. Whitnby, G. P. & T. A., st. cAKo. Paul, Minn., or to 3'our nearest railway fient. Insome States the tuf YOUNG raun 's two aD1 .f" ten three to óne in voiinp ,,,.„„. favor of the men. -"" WOMEN, The best route from MFN St Paul, Miuneapivicin rn olis, Duluth and .ncniiT uU West Superior to UU' the Northwestern yurpr WEST' and Paciüc States is incc. ' via the Great Nornow i thernltailway. in uw. Farrosean be had in Minne sota and N9rth Dakota on erop ïjU and other plans to suit purebas'I' ers. No failure of orops in twelve years of settlement. Larg-e yields of wheat aud other staples. Fine stock región. m-u Good schools and churches. Healthful climate. Great Markets within easy reach. Farms nIVER I)llici lor tronl the pioceeds of one erop. Highest prices paid for producís. The Great Noron ■ ■ r- theru Kailway has three lines ïALLEY. through the Valley. Address W. W. Uraden, Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minu., for particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publications sent free, and letters askin information about tra-el and settlement in Minnesota, the DakotaR and Montana answered by r'. I, Whltney, G. P. & T. a„ Oreat Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to ajlpointsin the West. Lowest ratos to the Pacific Coast. M__ I i 8 BHISQBPmKThcquiltin party and tlio TBstime coach are playod9A D13II T MArïPH u' 'ilie telepbnnc anti flHtjUILI mMütHiïuvis Family QuiltinK I til i mniiMA HlVIftcliine rfi modern neI IN J loOURS MyQuiltlngMaÉrnminiiM " ohlne la a new and raluaJwHBiBMwJBfflHHBBW 1)le attachment lor all seviimni;u-liiiiü.s. om hiïïy (not6or 9) can make a Iiit in ;; hours; also qullfl chiklren's cloaka: dressinmii;, .,,., 8on(l siiï.oo and I will sendyoua by flrt exprese. Anents wanted everyïjB?v-v: or circulara and fuil inïfrniatioii address ULMtv T. DAV1S, 30 W. linndolpb St., Cülcago B. C. Soott, dealer in Kelley Tsland aml White Ume, Hair, Calcined Piaster, Louisville and Portland Cepjeuts. pilice and Ware Hoorns in the Finnegan Kloek, Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. A'nte - We are the ouly firui tbat handles the senuine Keüey Island Lime in this city.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News