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m É"Well! Welll Thafs the way you feel after one or two of Doctor AM Pierce's Pleasant W -( their ïi-ork. You VLfc feel well, instead 'feB of bilious and eon1 stipateel ; your sick headache, dizziness and indigestión aro gone. ït's dono mildly and easily, too. You don't have to feel worse before you feel better. That is the trouble with the huge, old-fashioned pill. These are small, sugar-coated, easiest to take. One litóle Pellet's a laxative, three to four are cathartic. They regúlate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels - quickly, but thoroughly. They're the cheapest pill, sold by druggists, because you only pay for the good you eet. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction, evary time, or your money is returned. That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are sold on. "Value received, or no pay," - you can't get these terms with any other medicines, at un? pnce. Cau you ask more 1 GOOPYEAÏ'S DRUG STORE EVEHYBODÏ'S VOTING, so tlifey sny, ior Goodyear & Co., and the returns wlll atow that we have been elected for another year to furnish the state hospital with drutfs, medicines, etc., hecaiise wc sell the heat youite and sel thcm as cheap or cheaper than anyone. If we can sell them we can please you. Try us when in need of anything in oor line. Gííiy sar's h Store. FOB THE A Dozen lor iö Gis. Tbe DETROIT FRS33 PRESS wlüeend youTwelve í'oíumíua PliotOJ (fcame Blxe as cut) anti The Weekt v Free Pres, oneyear forSl.ïO. Bend witb }ut;r subscriptlon a cabínet r eard piiotograpn (tin-type villnot do) ol yoursclf r irlcod ai:d you wlll receive twelve fiue feproduc 1 Gen; uu pitotogfapitSi rheColumbla Photos wlll be made in the higheat t lyle of iLe a 't aud will be handsomelv mounted m f-ne, glltbordered cards, aud beautifully uurnished. 'l hey wlll be ACCURATE, DAIMTY and ARTISTIC Pïcturos tbitt will d-lU;ht all who reeelve them. ' '. in' equul lu quality cannot b ofetalned elsewhere Ut leas ïtan $1.00 u dozen. Wrlie ;. or.r uume nud P. O. address on the back of the pholograph you send ua. This will be réturned nftli tho ropoductions as bood as the Uttter.are coni li ted, DON'T MISS THI3 CHANCE. Scnd $1.10 direct toemrofTVtt at once- first coma flrst served. Weekly Dotrolt Free Press challenge comparl&on with any other weekly ne-w-spaper publlshed In the northwest. Axi examlnatiori wM estibllsh the truth of the followla clalnis; I. Thaf The'Frte Prsglvesthe ereatest amount of UeiiaMu NVwv l'orc gn, ï-atioun], state aml ■ I pilp! and oresented ia the most comireliCruye aud readáble way. l'lhinl! worth cUrünlcüng escapes Ita uitcntiou. K. That Tbe i:v,5 Pross'eniplojsthe Heat I.iterary ";i(ent pulllhes Mure i.'liulcc Bfadlng matter- l.'uiftrati! ; tor.i . oï'liavpl au.l AUvfntore, Serm! ■■. 'ii ■-. 'I': ii ir iu i Sketches, Pootns, Aitii-les on the ! ui ii :i!rl Qardeu, Kriglit Jlisri-llanv, Letter Box, ' i.. Mouwhold, Children's Mcrry Tlim 'leiiartmeut, 1 ;;■■.-, etc. -;lvln abuudant eutertaiiinient aud Htruotton for everv meniberof theiamlly, in short : .il .'. is Tüe Family Paper. ". Tlirt! The Free Press Is always fair, courteou and forcefnl In the (Hsenialon ui' publtc questions, redlly conuntmdlng tli respectful attentlon uuil f.-üusi(íiíratíou of men of allsliades of opinión. i. That The Free Press la uot only the foremost Wieliiffau newapaper in the above iartlculars, nut thatll Is the i.ahukst- twelve to slxteen pages f-:t(h -eek- lie Briglitest aud CleaiU'St. both iu reHwt n lts latile nf content aml typoKiaphical apl'caranee; aud the CHBAPiST, heeau-e no other ] Mpr-r r]resor can ïtlve so much for (ue Doliar a i ear. Such a paper should receive the active upport of very lilscrlmlnatmg aud fatr-mlnded man and wotnan in Michigan. It Is a HOME PAPER of whieh cvery eitlzen may well be proud. For 1893 it will be better thau ever before. We sollclt your eubscrlptlon. Address all Communications to THE FRKK PKESS CO., Detroit, MIch. MRS. C. H. JONES. ÏISHIDMBLI KBHÜIB! FourtJi St. OpposJíe Court His )nfü and Uiittisg i Spjíialtj; Mme Kelloirfr'8 frerVli Tallnr Rystom ni"i i'erfect work KunnniHf-i) lnsiructi outtínjfby tba Kolliií Kruavli L'ujl'ir yyMui" Biven.


Ann Arbor Argus
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