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Your Watch Insured Free, A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now famous BOW, the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only be Wfe had on cases containingthis trade mark. Lf -HADE BY- Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world - 1500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cases, and cost about one half less; Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge for Non-pull-ont bow. Ask for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. Guaranteed Cun . We autliorize our advertised drup;g;sfc to sell Dr. ICing'a New Dissovery for Consumption, Coug-hs and Colds, upon this condition. IÍ you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, ïhroat or Chest trouble, ancj will use tliis remedy as directed, giving it a íair trial, and exporience no benefit, you may return the bottle and your money will be refunded. We could not make this oifer did we not know tnat Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle tree at Eberbacl) Drug and Chemical Co., Arm Albor, and Geo. J. Haussler, Manchester. To Preoent the Grip Or any other similar epidemie, the blood and wbole system should le kept in healthy eondition. If you feel worn out or bave "that tired feeling" in the moming, do nut be guilty of neglect. Give immediate attention to yourself. Take llood's Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the blood and prevent disease. Uood's Pills eure liver ills, jaundice, biliouaness, sick headache, constipatioi). Estáte of Robert McClew. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTV of Wa8bte1)w , ss. ,M session oí thi Probate iourt lor the Oounty of Wushlomiw. hold n atlni 'robnte Office, in tfcc City ol Arm Arbor, qn iaturday, the Tth day t" .Ianuary ' the rr one Uiousaud eight hundred uJ ninetyPresent,.). Willard Uiibbiu, .Turtepof l'roha'e. In Ü.e matter oi.jhe estáte of Koben McClew, lecaaseii. John V'. liuck, the administrator ol suul estáte, 'omes into court nd represents l-bst he ia now prepartü 10 reuder bis ünul account as such adThereupon it is ordered tliat Tueeday, the 7th dlv of Febriui'-y nexl at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he as-sisrned for examiniiig and allowing such iccount, and that the heirs at law ui saia aeceased, and all ottaer i)er.un mterested lu said estáte, are requireu (o appeat at a sessiou of id Court, then to be holden at the probate otíice In tbe .-Mtv of Anu Arbor, ín said county, and show cause, if any there be, whv the s.iid account ohoulrt not bc allowed: And it i furtbei otderedtluii said admiuistmtor give notice to the peraom interested m aid estato, of tbepondency ol said account, and tbs heuriug ttiercor. by eausuf conyofthisorder (o"oe pubüshed'a theAon Arboi ARnoá. n newsouper priuted nd dronlatinijin aaid couuty Ihree succeBmre weeka previou, tosaid cuy ol bJ-J BABBFrr, lude of Probate. [A true copy.] Wujjam G. DrtTY, Probate llcsi-ister. Estáte ot James Fogerty. TATEÓF MICHIGAN, COUSTÏ 'o! Washieni-.f8. At a santón of the Probute 7ouTt tor the County of Washtenaw, holden ;u the ■róbale Office in the oitv of Ann Arliür, o': l'uesduy, the ttiird day o! Jnnuary. Intheyear me thuusand eittu hundred and ninety-three Present, J. Willarci Babbltt, JutlfC of Prubte. Ju the matter ol' the enlute of James Fogerty, On reading andfilinkthepetition, duly verifled, ifMaryPUftell, praymg hut aamlnistrntlon ol .aui eaiate muy be grnnteil t Haiiry S. Dean, suitable peraon, Therenpon u is orüereó, Umt Momlay, the tl tli dny ot Jauuary inst, at ion o'dock ii the 'orenoon, be assinod tor the lieanni; of smil jelition and thaf the beira at law, .t íuid ueceased, and all other persons iiiieresteJ m aid estáte ar lequired tu ipiieur at a sesión oí sai'5 court, theu to he hoiaeu at tlie Probate Offi-e in the city o! Ann Avbor, ind show cmiso, il any the be, wli y the prayer of tho petitloner should not be ranted. And ït i furtner orderea, tbat siiid pelitioner give notiee to the persous intcrusted in said estáte of the pendency ol aid pet ilion nd the heariug thereul', by eaoslng n eopy ot this rdertobe published in the Ani Abbob Arous, i newspaper printed mid circuhlted in said county, hree successive week previous to sa. cl uay ol hearing. } viihAXD BABBITT. [A truecopy.] Jndgeof Probate. W.M. U. Dotv, Probate Register. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O o!' Wushtunaw, ss. Noties is liereby Rlven hatbvan order of the Probate Court ïor Uit) Count'yof WasUtenaw, made on the Ihinl day oí lanuaiy A. D. 18a3, six months trom unit diiti 'were allowed for creditors to present thoir dnim wrainst the estáte ot' Manche White, late of'sHkl county,deceased,anjat.hatanvednors o said deceased are lequireato present theircliumsto suiil Probate (Joint, ut the Probate OlHoe m Ui citvof Ann Arbor, forexaminaUoii and allowance on or before the third day of July next, an tliat sucta claims will bü heard beiore said Cour on the tlilrd day of Anvil, auil on the thir day of July next, at ten o'clock in the foienoo of eaeh of s.iid days. Dated. A„n Aj-bor, January .Wl. Judgo ol ï'robftte.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News