Local Brevities

The State Pharmaceutical Society met in Saginaw ou Wednesday. Hou. J. V. N. Gregory, of Dexter recently broke his leg during a friendly wrestle . The boys bad bettertake notice that eoasting on the sidewalks will not be permitted. JjiMrs. Plenry Johnson, of Dixboro died last Sunday, from cáncer. She was 49 years old. The funeral of Henry Krause took place last Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended. The flrst "Living Whist" recital will take place at Granger's academy tomorrow evening. There will be a meeting of the Webster Farmer's Club, tomorrow, at the residenee of W. Blodgett. The Q. W. Z. Club, of this city have made arrangements for a sleigh-ride to Ypsiladti this evening. San Francisco, Cal., wants about two hundred road carts, 'and A. F. Ferguson will furnish them. It is rumored that a new Michigan Central passenger train will soon be put on between this city and Detroit. The Social Circle of Ilobart Guild will give a reception on Saturday evening next, f i-om 7:30 to 11 o'clock. The society of Women Workers of St. Andrew's church had a meeting at Harris Hall on Tuesday afternoon. The bass olïertory solo "Jerusalem" was finely rendered, last Suuday. atSt. Andrew's church, by Mr. C. W. Mellor. There willbe a unión meeting of all the Christian Endeavor societies of Washtenaw county, in this city tomorrow afternoon and evening. Nuinerous sleigh-riding parties are taking advantage of the splendid sleighing, and the aecompanying laugh and song are heard in all directions. While cleaning a dress with gasoline, last Saturday. Mrs. Abram Tice, of Fountain street, narrowly escaped serioüs injury by the gnitiou of the gas. The students' register in tbe reading room at Newberry Hall is probably tbe most complete in tbe city. The names of nearly all tbe staden ts are recorded In it. Progressive pedro seems to" be tbe popular game now in relined domestic circles. As a matter of scientiflc cardplaying it is an improvement on progressive eucbre. Aid. G. W. Snow furnished an exainple toall citi.ens, Mouday morning, by reinoving the snow from the sidewalk in front of bis livery bain with bis own bands. Twelve peop!e feil wliile coming out of a cburch in Ypsilanti, last Sunday evening. and it required tbeir entire supply of piety to keep them from using cuss-words. Professor Demiuoa will deliver a course of lectures in Detroit, during tbe next few weeks, on "Studies in Shakespeare," as a part of the University extensión series. A tea social was given yesterday afternoom at Harris Hall, by the Ladies' Aid Society i St. Andrev"s cburch, to tbe members of the eongregation and invited guests. The store on East Washington street owned by Nelson Sutherland, bas been in the bands of painters and paperhangers tor som'e days, and is greatly ifnproved in appearance. Daniel Lacey was sentenced to-ten days in jail, Monda) , by Justice Butts, for over-indulgence in the flowing bowl. This is one ol' the cases in whioh "a Daniel cauie to judgment." Over 3,000,000 pounds of ice were cut on tbe Cornwall dam last Sunday. It is presumed that all the ice-cutters went to chuicb in the evening to niake atonement for the breaking of the Sabbat b . On Wednesday evening, Johnson tent, K. O. T. M., was presentèd with an elegantly-bound üible and altar cloth, by George E. Darrow, of West Summit street, one of the charter members. Another"infallible" sign ol' au early spring bas been noted. Wild ducks are flying nortbward. Soine skeptic is Hable to suggest tliat they do so because their food supply is most abimdaut in that quaxter. Bepresentative Charles II. Kline lias intioduced a bilí in the legislature to revive capital punishment in this state, to be accomplisbed by the electrocution method. Theie is a great diversity of opinión in this state as to tbe wisdom of return i ng lo this method of punishment. The U. of. M. Daily resumed publïcatión, Wednesday morning. The next concert of the Cboral Union will take place a week frora tomorrow. Avthur S. Lyon has been elected a deacon in the Congregational church. The annual election of the Arbeiter Verein will take place next Monday evening. There has been a perpetual procession of ice-sleighs on North Main street this week. A reception will be given to the members of the Hobart Guild Social Circle tomorrow evening. Over one thousand copies oí this year's Oracle have been sold and the demand still continúes. Dr. A. C. liichols commenced cutting ice on nis pond near Geddes, last Monday inorning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Schultz, of Detroit, formerly of this city, rejoice over the birth of a son last week. The Acacia Club will have a miisquerade ball and supper next Wednesday evening at Granger's academy. Col. Ilenry S. Dean is being boomed as one of the llepublican candidates for regent. He will probably be nominated. Fred E. Janette, recently managing editor of the U. of M. Daily, is now city editor of the Evening Telegram, of West Superior. Over three hundred guests were present at the banquet given by the C. M. B. A. on ïuesday evening at the old Catholic church. Nearly ail the pastors of this city were sick last Sumlay, and "thechurchgoing bell"1 was silent. Sickness is no respecter of persons. Special appropriations will be asked 'rom the legislature for the University ibrary, the gymnasium, and the rnechanical labora tory. The Ann Arbor Organ Company sold ibout 700 organs last year, and nearly 200 pianos. '■Their pay roll for the year foots up over $20.000. The motor line is once more running on its regular trips. On account of he heavy snow last Sunday, it required five hours to make one trip. A merry sleighing party made a raid in Mr. and Mrs. Fritz, on the Dexter oad, last Monday evening, and a [elightful evening was spent. There will be a meeting of the Jadies' Missionary Society of the First Saptist church at three o'clock this ifternoon, in the church parlors. Williaru Golden is now ticket agent 'or the Toledo and Ann Arbor railway, Clarence Powell, formerly head of that lepartment, having resigned. Fred Alber feil into au open cellar loor in Seybold & Allmendinger's blacksmith shop, Saturday evening, and broke his leg above the ankle. The holiday vacation ended on Monlay evening and work in all departments of the University and High School was resnmed on Tuesday morung. Herbert & Hogan commenced enting ice, Monday, on the Cornwell dam. They are rushed with orders rom numerous grocera and other busiless houses. The Chinese tea, last Friday afterïoon at McMillan Hall, proved an interesting uovelty. The tables were served by fo.ur native Chinese, dressed n native costume.' üii Simday evening i freight train )n the Michigan Central got stuck in a snow-drift :i short distance east of the lepot, but was released by the aid of in additional engine. A large number of the KiMghts Templar of Ypsilanli came up on Monday evening to assist the brethren of Ann Arbor Commaiuiery in their work lor tliat evening. Several sleigh'loads of our citizens went to Saline, Weduesday, to attend the concert and hop given by the Arm Arbor Banjo and Guitar club at the opera house in that village. Mxb. M. 15. Gelston, wliile returning from tbe Chinese tea, Friday afternoon, feil on the sidewalk on State street and has since been confined to the house from the injuries received. The good sleighing has considerably reduced the number of passengers on the motor line during the past weck. Most people prefer a sleigh-ride to a car-ride when the i'ormer is possible. Jacob Schlimmer was convicted of assault and battery in Justice Kutts' court, last week, and requested to deposit $10 fine and $4 costs, or else go into retirement at the county jail tor fifteen daj's. He chose to go to jai!. Poultry dealers f rom the east have recently bought up nearly every chickeii in the neighborhood of Hamburg. F. StofHet is now running the postoflice news stand as a brunch oí his Main street business. If anybody can make it a success, we tliink Mr. Stofflet is the man. Messrs. Crozier and Bowdish, of this city, assisted to exernplify the unwritten work at the induction of the new ofïicers of the Saline lodge of Good ïemplars last Tuesday evening. We regret having omitted mentiou, last week, of a surprise party given to the Miases Mamie and Ella Gardner, of Hiller aveaue, the result of a suceessful conspiracy on the part of many friends. The Ann Albor Banjo and Guita): Club gave a concert and hop at the Saline opera house on Wednesday evening, and were assisted by those princes of song, Messrs. Granger and Harkins. Trains on the Toledo and North Michigan railway have been vevy much delayed this week by the snow. The cow-catchers look as though they had been torced through mountains of the "beautifui." Eev. Lyman Abbott, pastor of Plymouth church, New York city, will speak at University hall next Wednesday evening, in the Students' Lecture Association eourse, on "The Democracy of Learning." "The Three Gospels- The Gospel of Satan, the Gospel of the Fooi, the Gospel of Christ," will be the sermón topic in the First M. E. church next Sunday evening. In the morning Dr. Cobern will preach a sermón to working men. Woodman & Bischofl have taken charge of the Sparta Sentinel. The junior partner, Williarn H. Bishop, is au Ann Arbor printer. The Sentiuel presents a newsy sheet to the public and we wish the new firm the success which they deserve. TomoiTOW evening Mr. E. X. Bilbie wil] give a musical recital in the Ünitarian church, under the auspices of the ünity Club. He .will be assisted by Mr. Seyler, of Detroit, and Mrs. Edwards, of this city. The installation of the ofiicers of Jühiison tent, K. O. T. M., which was to have taken place last Wednesday i evening, has been postponed until Tiext Wednesday evening, on account of the inability of Past Great Coramander liassett to be present. Miss Auna Magdalena Belser died last Friday morning at the residence of her fathev on Forest avenue, of inflammation of the bowels. She was nearly 22 years old. She was buried in Fórest Hill cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Eev.Max Hein officiating. The next entertainment of the In[and League wiil be given on Monday evening. Songs will be sung by Mrs. Edwards, Miss Cole and Miss Cramer. Miss Clarken will play a harp solo and several accompaniments. The entertainment will begin at eight o'elock. A very enjoyable surprise party took place at the residence of Henry Schwab, in Pittsiïeld, Wednesday evening of last week. There were about fifty persons present. Mrs. Schwab was presented with a f uil set of dishes. There was also a dance and supper. Sbirley Syruons, of Saginaw, a boy now 14 years of age, last summei rude alone on his bicycle severa] hundreds of miles. He will teil of his trip in the M. E. ehurch on Jan. ISth. The subject of his lecture will be, "A ISoy's Trip on a Bicycle through England and Scotland.'' The Unity Club is making extensive prepara tioi is lor its animal banquet, to be held this evening in the parlors of tlie the Unitarian ehurch. nvitations have been extended to the l'niversity professors and others who re assistint the club this year in the way of entertain men ts, musical evenings, etc. The new turn-table of the Michigan Central is now ready for business, and the kids will be upon it like a swarm of bees, to see whether it will afford theni as good rides as did the old one. What the average boy doesift know about tuni-tables is au infinitesimal quantity. A very enjoyable sleigliing party was given on Tuesday evening, to a large number of lier Aim Arbor friends, by Miss Amanda Aprill, of Scio. Two large and confortably furnished sleighs conveyed the guests to her home, where lefreshments were served and "a real nice time"" was had. The report of the treasurer of the Unitarian Society submitted last v, eek at tlie aiiniial meeting, shows the society to be in a prosperous condition, wilh a good balance on hand after liquidating all debts. Tlie trustees for the next tiiree years are Prof. C. E. Green and Josepli Whitlark. VV. K. Chikls is sectei.iiT. ajid Joseph Whitlark treasurer.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Rev. Max Hein
Henry Krause
Francis Stofflet
Anna M. Belser