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Health is Wealth! NERVt - 2 - - " cTwai n Uksá : Du. E. C. Wkst'sNehvb utd Bbaín ThueXt , MENT, u puarantecd speelflc lor Hysterla, vjzziness i (iin'iilsions, Kits, Nervoua Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration oaused by tno use of alcohol ortobaeoo. Wakcl'n ii k'.-n Mental Depression, Softeningr of the Braln resulting In insanity and leadlng to inisery, decay and deuth, Pietnature Oíd Age, BarrenncsB, Losa of Power In either sox, luvoluntary Losaea and Spermatorrlicua caused by oyer-exorüon of the braiu, self-abuse or over-indulgenep. Each box contains ono month's treatmeny. $1.(10 a box, or six boxes lor $3.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of' price. WEGUARANTTEESIX BOXES To cure any case. With each oraer received by us tor six boxes, accoinpanledwith $5.00, we will seud the purchaser our written guaranteo to rel'und the money ii' the treatment does iiot effi-ct a cure. Guaran tees iesued only by Eberbíich & Son, Druggists, Solé Agents, Aun Ai'bor, Mich. $500 Reward! VK will pay the above reward for any cuse of LiverComplaint, Dyspepsia, Sicl; Headache, Indigestión, Coostipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pilis, when the dlrections are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and uever íail to gie satisíaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing Ö0 Pilis, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits aud mltatlons. The enuine manufacturedonlyby THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ]LL. For sale by all druggists. ElBILBIEJiolMst Pupil of Sauret. Aftor three years' study at the "Stern Conservatory," Berlín. Germany, uader eminent teachers in Solo, Ensemble, and Theory; also under professors of the "Berlín High School" is now prepared to take pupils at his rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Companfs Building, Cor. Main and Libcriy Sts., -A.ISX3ST AE3OK. "Terms made known on application. _&J ÜU8I3ÍESS D1KECT0RY. )# A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseascs of the EYE EAK, iWSEjantlTHROA f i lOflice in Hangsterfer Block. Hesidence 26 ,1t-v S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3Oto 7:3O p. m ELIHTJ IB. IPOIÊTID, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public. Conveyancing done and REAL ESTÁTE bought and sold on commis sion. Patronage solicited. No. 6 N. Main St. ATTORNEYS. D. CRAMER. S, CRAMER CRAMER & CRAMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office: Front room over First National Bank .ANN ARBOR, MICH. I? B. NOKR1S Attoeney at Law. Does a general law eollection and coneyanc ing business. A moderate share of your pat ronage respectfully aolicited. Ollice in th Court House. p K. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Law and Pension Claim Altóme? MILÁN, MICíTV Conveyancing and Collcctions. DENTISTS. T OUIS P. HALL, DENTIST. Office South State etreet. Over Sheehan Book Store. Hours 9 a. m. to IS and 2 p. m. to5 p.m. VI? W. NICH0LS D. D., DENTIST. in the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extraeted without pain Dy the use o tntalizedair. A C.N1CH0LS. DEKTIST Late of Niohols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaa No. 18 South Main street. TONY SCHIAPPÁCASSh, NO. 5. N. MAIN 8TEET. FRUITS, NUTS and OONPEOTIONEEY TOBACOOSAND CIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit .AL"W.A.-5rS OJST HA2STD MARTIN &. FISCHER. PKOPRIETOItS OF ME WESTERN BREWERY, ANN ARBOR, MIOHBrewers of Pure Laser Beer. G. Burrs, fUSTICEOF THE PEACE. Real Estáte and Collection Agent. Office: In Masonic Block. L)R. A. M. FI-YNN, OFFICE, No. 8 East Huron Street. KESIDENCE, No. 9 North First;Street. Hours -9 to 1O:3O a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. 6;30to 7:3O p. m. 'JLEVELAND and HABBISON OF SAME OPINIÓN l'liiittheE. L OCONNOR CO. can make the lame, with short legs, from 2 to 1U ioehes, look like otber people; wear shoes alike. No clumsy Lork or iron. Send tor price. üT-lU'J Wabash Avenue Chica III. M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN FresSi, Salt and Smoked iIeita And gamo In seanon. 22 E HTJEO1T STREET I


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