For Sale!
AT A BARGAIJN IN LOTS TO BUIT OUR I CÜSTOMERS. A $40,000 STOCK OF DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, BLACK GOODS, COTTONS, FLANNELS, LINENS, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, CURTAINS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS. Apply at the Busy Store of SCHAIRER & MILLBN. HE AS ONS FOR SELLING.- Must Reduce our Stock bef ore Inventory, -tebruary lst. No Goods Chaitged during this Sale. For Particulars cali at the Store for Low Brices. 'SALE DAILY FROM 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M." OUT PRIGES: All 50c Dress Goods, black and colored, now - 37c All 60c Dress Goods, black and colored, now - 45c AU 75c Dress Goods, black and colored, now - 56c All $1.00 Dress Goods, black and colored, now - 75c IA11 25c Dress Goods selling out for - - - 19c a yd Selling out 2;000 yds, 12c Outing Flannel, for - 6c a yd, Selling out Men's Shirts and Drawers for - - 23c Selling out all 50c Underwear for - - - 37Lc Selling out a lot of Children's 50c Wool Skirts for 25c Selling out a lot of Children's 25c Ribbed Vests for 15c Selling out a lot of Boys' and Girl's 25c Wool Hose for 15c a pair. Selling out Infants' Plush Bonnets at HALF-PRICE. Selling out 500 yds. Silk 25c Veiling for - - 10c a yd I SELLING OUT PR1CES UNT1L FEBRUARY lst. 75 Large Home made Bed Comfortables, were $3.00, selling out for $1.98 each. Selling out all $1.00 Blankets and áed Quilts for - 75c Selling out all Table Linen, Towels and Napkins at a GREAT BARGAIN. Selling out Ladies' Newmarkets, Long Ooats and Jackots, were $5.00, $7.00 and $9.00, for - $3 50 IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Selling our Ladies' $5.00 and $7.00 Jackets for - $2.98 Selling out 75 Tailor-Made and Fur-Trimmed Jackets, your choice of the lot for LESS THAN HALF OFF Selling out all of Uur Children's Cloaks at HALF PRICE Closing out all Fur Capes at - HALF PRICE Selling out a lot of Walker's Plush Sacques at COST A GOOD TIME TO BUY CLOAKS. EVERYBODY SHOULD AT1END TUIS SALE.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News