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Saline's New Railroads

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Saline is getting rather more than er share of railroad excitement this winter, and is now living in hopes of ïaving two competing lines. The Lake hore have completed their survey beween Saline and Belleville with the vident intention of putting in the rack between these points, which would make the Lake Shore the shortst route from Detroit to Chicago and would enable the Lake Shore the bet■er to handle the great traffic to the Vorld's Fair. For a week or so everyhing has been quiet. The Lake Shore fficials are mum and nothing can be earned of their inteutions. But if hey act at all they must do so quickly or the World's Fair will be over. Meanwhile the proposed Chicago and Lake Erie road have had two men buying options of a right of way for the line they propose to build from Chicago to Detroit. The survey for. his road was made some flve years ago and it is proposed to make it a dead air line between the two cities. The urvey runs half a mile south of Saline nd also about half way between Manhester and Clinton. The agents for tie road hail from Detroit and Fitts)urg and have purchased a good many ptions. They limit the amount they will pay for land to $75 an acre. The ptions run for three years. It is ïardly likely that the trouble and exense of purchasing options would be ndertaken after a survey was made if ihe project were all wind. There is a sort of uncertainty overïanging both projects, however, that eal estáte boomers don't relish. If joth projects go through, Saline would je on two trunk lines between Detroit nd Chicago. Ypsilanti would be ractically side-tracked by the Lake hore, in spite of the heavy bonded ndebtedness it incurred in securiug he building of the Hillsdale branch. .nd some enthusiasts even go so far as to predict that Saline might be built up to rival Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. Jut here's wishing all good luck to Saline, and to Manchester, which would ilso profit by the building of the two ines.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News