Is Life Worth Living?
Itlsnotif 5'ouare Dot lo possesslon of tlif fall faculties íorenjoving it. We ülfer tr ihe publica Uueand irusty remedy. he ELIXIR OF YOÜTM, A positivo, f.poeay, r-ixfe and reliablo solentifla conip.unct, nia.nix:a!:n'louly ly hlclllfi ■ liemsis, irom thnpivs.-nptlori ofaaerznanpliysician oí wurlt-T u ïi is V'jpuar;u; t: 'I!t7 of youiti i.i t!.ofi w ■ . .'." .-u ; ., : 'i i. Ltto UllUS?8 5Oi'i.",'.-(.ii H "IS HZH. il : i tt") cure for ;;p ,■,;■■ ■■! . -, t. ...: -.; ' ■■-,'. ■ i, Ei. liesior.i . -.i,..; .1 ;.-..■! w tauiii. .v -■ ;;-j:-j. IlQ liO IliU., :;. t Ut I. i'l; et! fll SWMI.'J Ustl!!'. lulu's ni u9 wqnaeríuj ivulls prodiuvü by itilseiiiir, , ,1 ... ■. : ms autuuriïeü .:'-.ii...v; on appiication ot unyone rcquiring sucb u .icdiciao. BE A MAN AGAÍN. We charge noexhorbitantprice, nor do we c-ieryou a quuck no8trum.but u leitlmaté na sclentlflc preparation, whicü will surely do all we cluim lor it. Tu Elixir 1 pui up In Joz. bottles, and retailsiorll.üO, or 6 lor SO.UU. Thls valuable remedy will Le Icuua on sale by au leadlng druegists. Each druggist has on file swoin testinionialficithe wondeiíul cures proauoed by thls EUxlr, and the proprletors oonfldent-ly reier all 111 need of it to them. The Germán Hospital .Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, Mtoh." For Sale by all Drnggists. C. EBERBACH Sc SONS, Agents. THE ELIXIR OP YOUTH!
Ann Arbor Argus
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