W. A. Russell has a nephew here from New York, making a visit. D. Russell is getting hismill-yard filled up with logs, and will movehis mili here after a while. While splitting wood a few days ago, W. H. VVillings was unfortunate enough to split his thumb badly. While cutting ice last week, LeRoy Butts slipped and feil in the river, and narrowly escaped drowning. Joe Bird, who has been living on Homer Bradshaw's place for two or three years, has moved on his own place again. A number of farmers are busy putting up ice at present, which is of fine quaiity, soine of it being thirteen inches thick. We have a new station agent here. Our former agent, G. S. Bethel, who has been here for over eleven years and was universally liked by all, was on Friday last dismissed from the service, and Mr. Follett was sent to take his place. Albert Pratt was startled the other night by strange noises around his house, and upon a search being made, he discovered that the noise carne from his cellar; but it was not a burglar, nor a bear, but simply a rabbit that had crawled through a hole in the wall, and was nearly starved.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News