Dexter Township
Mr. Spooner made a flying trip here one day the past week. D. Waite made a cali on his oíd associates here the first of the week. Jesse Parsons made a business trip to Scio village, Monday. Messrs. W. and L. Chamberlin spent Wednesday in Ann Arbor. Mrs. H. W. Newkirk was at Lansing severai days the past week. Mrs. S. Reason Sundayed with relatives in Unadilla. Wm. Asquith, of Stockbridge, visited his sister the past week. Mr. Stevenson, of Jackson, was with relatives the last of the week. Prospects are bright for a savings bank in our village. Wm. Judson, of Chelsea, was here on business, Friday. L. Rodman was the guest of Ann Arbor friends, Saturday. A. Barber is spending a few days with his daughters at Willis. Mrs. Hooker and daughter were with friends here, Friday. Chas. Dwyer, of Ann Arbor, spent Tuesday withold friends here. Mr. Farnham, of Pinckney, was with friends here on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.T.McQuillan were in Lodi the first of the week, to attend her sister's wedding. Pat Reid, of Ann Arbor, was here, Saturday, to attend his uncle's funeral. Mr. Lamberson, of Hamburg, called here Tuesday. G. Clark, of Putnam, was with friends here Monday. .Mr. and Mrs, A. Taylor were guests of her brother in Hamburg, Thursday. Mrs. Sweetman and family entertained the Brogans, from Marión, the last of the week. Mrs. J. Bowler and family are entertaining friends from abroad. H. Schieferstein was a Chelsea visitor one day last week. The Misses Blade, of Ann Arbor, are spending a few days with their aunt. Miss A. Cope was the guest of relatives several days of the past week. Supt. Cavanaugh, of Ann Arbor, visited several schools in this place the past week. Turnkey McCabe, of Ann Arbor, made a short cali on old friends, Saturday. Michael Reid died at the home of his nephew, Thursday, January 12, 1893. The funeral services were held from St. Joseph's church, Saturday morning, Rey. Father Fleming officiating. A number from this place will attend the dance at the opera house this evening, Friday, Jan. 20, given by the young people of Webster. Good music will be furnished and supper will be served.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News