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Mrs. Zimmerman is quite ill. Dr. Colhum has returned from dis Detroit visit. Tramps are giving Milan and vicinity frequent calis. Rev. G. Sloan is still at work at the London charge. Miss Maud Reynolds is at home From her Detroit sojourn. The Free Methodsts are holding a series of interesting meetings. The band boys are talking of pur:hasing a new set of instruments. Mrs. Otta Bennet, of Ann Arbor, visited Milan friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller drove to Carlton, SatuHay, and returned Monday. Ice men are still working at the ice erop. Ice cream wiil be cheap next summer. Rev. C. B. Case has commenced a series of meetings at theMoorëville M. E. church. Prof. Martyne gave two interesting entertaimënts at Gay's opera house, last week. Miss Lena Blinn, of Ypsilanti, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Williams, Friday. Logs and bolts are being drawn into Milan in large quantities, the sleighing being favorable for the work. Milan expects a mnsical treat at the Gay opera house thisweekunder the auspices of the Ypsilanti Baptist choir. The Daughters of Rebekah will hold an interesting social at Mrs. Wm. Whaley's, West Main street, the 2 5th inst. There is a cry for coal in Milan. Several orders are waiting to be filled and still no coal comes to the rescue. The young people of the Baptist church will hold an evening social at Mr. H. Hack's residence, one mile east of the village. Thf thermometer registered 20 degrees below zero Thursday morning, 18 degrees below Friday morning, 14 degrees below Saturday morning, 14 degrees below Sunday morning, and 5 degrees below on Monday morning. Friday morning Mr. N. Miller and family, who live ia Mr. N. Rice's house, five miles sontheast of here, were burned out. The house and contents were burned to the ground. This leaves the Miller family in destitute circumstanses. Dr. Harper carne near having a fire at his residence on Galen street, Friday, but the flames were on gcod behavior and concluded to go up the chimney, where all good fires go, and thus prevent the fire department from airing the engine and saving lots of property. Mrs. J. C. Rouse attended the Washtenaw County Baptist Missionary Association meeting in Dexter, Thursday, and reported an interesting meeting. She says the interest in the mission is increasing year by year, and the reports from the different churches represented in the county show an increase in merhbership. There were several interesting papers read. Mrs. Carman, of Ann Arbor, was eleeted president of the association. Dr. Chapin met with quite a mishap Friday forenoon, while visiting a patiënt near Mooreville. He had blanketed his horse and was preparing to hitch it whenaboy offered to tie it for him. The doctor handed the strap to the boy and then entered the house, when his attention was called by a cry for help on the outside of the house. He went out and discovered his cutter turned up on the side, with one thill over the horse's back and the other thill broken, the dash board broken from the cutter and the horse (a young one) had cut one of his hind legs quite badly with the broken thill. The doctor detached the horse from the tangle and led it in the barn, where it was soon quieted. In due time the horse was hitched up and driven home and came as docile as a lamb, no serious damage being done.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News