Hmo to Become Fleshy. Dr. Miles' Nervine not only cures all nervous diseases, Leadache, blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria, but also builds up the body. "I am pleased to say that after years of intense suffering with nervous disease, headache and prostration, I tried Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nervine, and in two weeks gained eight pounds in weight. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep perfectly easy, and am still improving wonderfully. Cannot say enough for the nervine. - Mrs. L. B. Millard, Dunkirk, N. Y." "One customer used Nervine and gained tifteen pounds in flesh, says Brown & Maybury, Cortland, N. Y." Trial bottles and elegant book f ree, at Eberbach & Son's.
Ann Arbor Argus
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