Van Houten's Cocoa
! Dr. SYDNEY RINCER, Professor of Medicine at University College, London, Author of the Standard "Handbook of Therapeutics," acluaüy writesasfollows: "From tho eareful aualvsos of Prof. Attfield and others. I ara satisüed that is in no way injurious to health, and that It Is decidedly more nutntious than otilar Cocoas. - Itis cortainly "Puro" umi high] y digestible. - The Quotatlons in certain advertisementa (from Trade rivals ) Irom my book on 'rherapuuticsaro quito raisleading, andcannotpossibly apply to Van H.hiten'sCocoa." me falst' rrflrction on -van Houtkn's OoOO v Í8 (htts ejffclnnlly rrpelled, and the vptv a uihorüy cilPd io irtjure it, is thereby promvted lo give it a very handfojne testimonial. B
Ann Arbor Argus
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