M. J. Lehman went to Lansing on Monday. Frederick Wurster is convelscing from a recent illnes. Dr. Martin has been prostrated by illness during the past week. Dr. Nancrede was called to Three Rivers on professional business this week. Dr. Julia P. Snearley, of Sand Beach, has been visiting friends in the city. School Inspector Cavanaugh has been visiting the Manchester schools this week. Representative Kline returned to Lansing, Monday, after a short stay at his home. Mrs. B. F. Watts has a welcome guest from Flint, Miss Grace [enkins, her niece. F. A. Manny has resigned from his editorial position on the U. of M. Daily board. Miss Eda Schleede has returned from her three week 's visit with friends in Toledo. Miss Minnie Roehm, of Chicago, ormerly of this city, is making her riends here a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmid enoyed a visit last Sunday from their son Oscar, of Jackson. Prof. J. C. Knowlton left for Lansing, Tuesday morning, acccompanied by his daughter. F. F. Briggs has been elected managing editor of the Inlander, vice A. B. Hall, resigned. Miss Buck has resigned the presidency of the Pi Eta society, and Mr. Goddard succeeds her. Professor Demmonwent to Detroit Tuesday to deliver a lecture in the University Extensión course. Theodore Wetzel, Oscar Burkhart and Samuel Baumgartner visited friends in Dexter last Sunday. Mrs. George A. Douglass is another victim of the prevailing sickness from "catching cold." Mrs. Chas. Dietas returned from her visit to Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Schulz, of Detroit, on Saturday. Mrs. J. Killilea, who has been visiting Mrs. Dr. Hartley, has returned to her home in Milwaukee. Mrs. Dilworth, of Fortuna, Kansas, a sister of Dr. V. S. Garwood, was a visitor in tha city last week. Professor Hempl returned from a visit to Washington, D. C, Boston, and other eastern cities, last Saturday. Mrs. J. Otto and sister, Miss Louise Walz, have returned from a prolonged visit to friends in Chicago. Julius V. Seyler returned to his home in Detroit, Monday, after a visit to his paients, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Seyler. Professor H. C. Adams is at Johns Hopkins University delivering a course of lectures on "The Science of Finance." Miss Gertrude Sanford entertained a number of friends Saturday evening, at her home on west Second street. President Angelí was present at the inauguration of C. K. Adams as president of the University of Wisconsin, this week. Jacob Laubengayer is suffering f rom a severe cold. There are ] plenty in the same condition who i can sympathize with him. t Hon. Alpheus Felch left for the i South, Monday, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Felch, and his grand-daughter, Lillian. Lew H. Clement, of the Ann Arbor Organ Company, was visited last J week by his cousin, O. G. Clement, ■ a noted Kalamazoo musician. Mr. Joseph Clark, superintendent of the hopitals, attended the meeting of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, in Detroit, Wednesday. S. W. Curtiss, the new business t manager of the U. of M. Daily, is conducting the affairs of that paper with marked ability and success. F. E. Janette, formerly of the U. of M. Daily, has written a serial story for Golden Days, entitled ! "Roland Ankney's Evil Genius." Charles K. Adams, formerly professor in the University, was ' jurated president of the University of Wisconsin on Tuesday evening. Messrs. Moore and Phelps, of Dexter, were in this city on business, last Tuesday, and improved the opportunity to cali on numerous friends. Dr. Elmer Hagler has returned from his visit to the eastern hospitals, and has assumed charge of the demonstrational course in ophthalmology. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corr, of Nnrth Fourth avenue, had a ter bom to them, Tuesday. This 1 makes grandparents of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Saunders. W. A. Taylor, of Detroit, deputy organizer of the I. T. U., for Michigan, was in the city last week on business concerning the Ann Arbor ?ypographical Union. George H. Pond, local editor of he Courier, has been confined to lis home by a severe cold this week. íis intellectual face is missed on he streets and in business hannts. Hudson T. Morton left for Chicago on Monday evening, and it may safely be presumed that he has important business there, as he is a business man first, last, and all the time. Miss Margarette Shaw has resigned from her position on the editorial staff of the U. of M. Daily, on account of a pressure of college work. The compositors on the Daily will greatly miss her presence in the office, as she was a general favorite with them. William Saunders, jr., a gradúate of the dental department, who has been in practice at Grand Rapids and other Michigan cities, has been at his old home in this city for some time on account of the illness of his father, William Saunders, the wel know cigar manufacturen
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News