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The University' World's Fair exhibit s being prepared for shipment. Work 011 the Boyal Arch degree was ione by Washtenaw Chapter on Mon:lay evening. Joseph E. Kirby and Miss Elizabeth Keeler were married by Justice Butts on Wednesday evening. A number of young people of this city are going for a sleigh ride tonight, to Amos Lohr's, in Pittsfield. The L. O. T. M. gave a box social last evening at Maccabee hall, to members of the Ilive and Arbor tent. The contemplated excursión of Commandery No. 13, to Jackson, has been postponed until the 8th of Pebruary. A ntimber of members of the Students1 Christian Association will take a sleighiide to Ypsilanti this evening. There was no service at St. Thomas' church last Sunday evening, on account of the extreme frigidity of the weather. ___ The happiest man in Ann Arbor today is the ice dealer and the dispenser of coal is a close second, with no limit to their happiness in sight. At the meeting of the Philological Society, last evening, a paper was read by Dr. Lewis A. Rhodes on "The Relation of Hoelty to English Literature." _ A largely attended meeting was held by the Woman's Relief Corps on Wednesday afternoon. There seems to be a steadily increasing interest taken in their work. The general superintendent of the Smead system of heating came up f rom Toledo this week to flnd and remedy the defect in the heating apparatus in Newberry hall. , The Woman's Aid Society of Zion's Lutheran church held a social at the residence of Rev. Max Hein, yesterday afternoon. It was greatly enjoyed by all who participated. The devotional committee of the Presbyterian Young People's Society met on Tuesday evening and selected the subjects for devotional meetings for the ensuing six months. Attention is called to the wonderf ully attractive prices quoted in Bach & Abel's advertisement, which occupies anotber page. There are no su. perfluous words wasted in telling of the big sale. ______ Sixty-five couples attended the masquerade social at the Acacia Club, on Wednesday evening. The Chequamegons furnished the music and the 'iight fantastic toe" could not be restrained. . During the cold weather the grocers have had to keep lamps burning in their cellars, to prevent their stock of vegetables from freezing. This is good for dealers in kerosene as well as for the potatoes. Owing to the absence from the city of Professor H. C. Adams, the lecture which he was to have delivered before the Inland League, Monday evening, had to be and a musicale was given instead. When there is only one copy of a book in the University library and over fifty students want to use it at the same time, there is likely to be some dissatisfaction, and that is just what frequently happens. A meeting of unusual interest was held at McMillan Hall on Saturday afternoon by the Y. W. C. T. U., at which, among other things, the question as to the effect of the moderate use of alcohol was discussed. The friends of Mr. Conrad Krapf ïad the pleasure of assisting hira to ;elebrate the 83d anniversary of his natal day, on Sunday last. His brethren of the Odd Fellows had something to do with it. Mr. Krapf is perhaps the oldest Odd Fellow in the county. Yesterday afternoon the Ladies' Society of Bethlehem church held a meeting at the residence of Mrs. Henry Paul, on the gravel road, and in the evening the Young Ladies' Society of the ame church met at the residence of Miss Bertha Goetz, on South Main street. The regular rehearsal of the Choral Union was held on Tuesday evening. There will be a concert by the Choral Union in University Hall to-morrow, in which Miss Marguerite Hall the celebrated Boston soprano, will take part, as well as Mr. Constantino Sternberg, of Philadelphia. The stockholders of the Argo Mills elected the following directora, it a meeting held on Monday: Col. Henry S. Dean, Major W. E. Stevens, Sedgwick Dean and D. F. Allmeudinger. The directora organized themselves by choosing Col. Dean as president; Sedgwick Dean, vice-president; G. F, Allmendinger, treasurer; aud Major W. C. Stevens, secretary. One of thee most attractive lithographic calendáis received this year is that sent us by U. I. Hood & Co., of Lowell, Mass. A happier combi nation of utility and art bas seldom, if ever, been produeed tlian that shown in the picture of the "Young Discoverers," [t is one of those pictures that women, who seem to be natural connoisseurs in art, immediately pronounce to be "lovely." The calendar is printed in large. clear figures, easily distinguishable at a convenient distance. At the Unity Club, Monday and Tuesday evening, Jan. 23d and 24th, Mr. James Kay Applebee, of Boston, will give two of his celebrated Shakespearean lectures, the first being on King John, a Drama of Royal Guilt, and the second on Richard the Second, a Drama of Kingly Absolutism. Ann Arbor people will remember that Mr. Applebee deliyered a course of lectures on the five great tragedies of Shakespeare here last year. and that üese were so well received that the eminent interpreter of Shakespeare was asked to deliver a lecture in University Hall on "Charles Dickens." Sveryone should hear Mr. Applebee. as he is imdoubtedly one of the ablest and most powerful expounders of Shakespeare now before the public.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News