Office Of The Board Of Public Work
ASN ABBOR, MU-B., 1 .Tanuary 18th, 1893. ƒ Regular meeting. Called to order by President Xeech. Roll called. Present- Messrs. Keech, Mcíntyre and Schuh. lihutes of pïevious meeting read and approved. The Clefk, read a report of the street committee, passed in Common Council, January 16th, 1893, ordering the Board of Pvitilic Works to enter into a contract with Wm. Herz for furnishing the city with street signs. Mr. Schuh moved that the President and Clerk make a contract with Wm. Herze for street signs as per order of the Common Council. Yeas- Messrs. Keech Mcíntyre and Schuh. Board then adjourned. __ . Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News