THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. Great Fortunes Rising Like Monuments. UOW MILUONAIRES SUCCEED I PIMNG UP ENOBJIO1ISWEALTH. STot niflicHlt for Anyoneato Follow thelr ExninpleIt is popularly supposed tliat a few men like Gould. Vanderbilt and Astor represent the rich men of the country. This is a great mistake. Th e re are thousan'ls npon thousands of uiillionaires, men so rich that they cannot ponsibly spend the interest upon tbeir vast rtocumulations. Every dty, eyery town, every comtnunity has thnm; it is they who represent tli wealth of onr country, on account of their numbers. Now if sa inany men succeed, what is the true secret of that success? Two words ansvper - energy and healtb. Any man of indomitable energy and pereeverance who is wtll can smi eeu. Ah, there is the rub- who is weli. Men have the energy and amlity to succeed, but they do not. pnasess the reqnisite health - strengih of lh nerves, vigor of the mind and inniranee and tireleHsness which alune make men BUCCt-eil They feel Unguid, even wenk at time and lack the ueoe-sMrv abiliiy, hut their energies need rouHin;. Ln gome cuses the Btumnch, liver üti bowela aie at fault, ur pot-sibly the ktdneys are om of order. Niae time out of ten, however, it is lack of nerve strengt!), nerve vigor, and nnve power. Nuinbi-rless men who have ampiH vuor at firbt break down in health from the exceive stram npon their nervous and physii-ial systems, as did the wellknown'S. W. NÓure, Esq., of Huiu-on, M ss. He strikes the key noie of tb diffisulty and nis advice, if (ollowed, will pui the ineu n the eure rond lo wealth. "Frotn constant worry over business matier."hesaid, "I suÖered from the loss of leep, and became fcO uervous that I was entirely nnfitted formybusij nes. In W. I feareij iuaanity. I used Dr GreeneV Nrvura bloort and nerve reiiiriy The effect, was }ilmot magical 'icouUl aain sleep, mental composnre, Hppetiie and strenjrth returned. Sx of this ren.edy t:ured me, aml I have reinaine.l well 10 Uns date. I have récoininended Dr. Groene's Ne-vnra Wondt and rcmedy to many of my friends and nnshbors and hav vet 10 learo of a faihire to obtain ufond re.-u It.s.'" , " Nothn g more nt-ed be 8-id. faft your h-aith and yon will standevary chance of gni-caeiUog in life. V vou ure iiot wel] if yon rio not fee! jat ri(?lit, if you iack thé vim, éfti-rny strngth to . Uk holrf MÍ' yonr 'rk. by all meana u thH Kiiilerfal r-'iieily which restnred Mr. Nuurwe to i'ealth ani power to work. . , Yomwii promreit t ty druggisi'B for 81. ami wc w nld Ki-y alfiu that j is a purely vet-taiiie and harmiesB remedy, nned and inlly endorsfd by physicians -in fact it is the diwjovtry of th eninenent physi. -ian, Dr. Gieene, of 30 W. 14 h Sireet, New York, who has mide himself fumóos throughout t.lie United States by bis ui.irveluua cures oí nervonsand chmnic disea-es aml i-y givini? advice free ro thoi-e who consult hitn or write to liini. MR 8 W. NOUIiSF, B8Q.
Ann Arbor Argus
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