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mi uonni In addition to our "MARK DOWN SALE" of Dress Goods, Cloaks, Carpets, Ho- siery, Underwear, Blankets,! Silks, Linens and House Fur-5 nishing Goods, we offer another "SPECIAL SALE" of goods which all mnst have. Our Inventory occurs Feb. lst, and we wish to largely reduce our stock of those goods before that date. COMMENC1NG FridayMorning We shall offer our entire stock of MU8LIN UNDERWEAR, EMBROIDERIES AND HANDKERCHIEFS At Special Prices to close thein by FBBRUART lst BRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY, JAN. 23. MOlDJESKA SUPPOBTED BY ME. OTIS SKINNER And her own company of players in an artistir presentation of UUITI! MODJESKA as Lady Hacbeth. Mr. John A. Lane as Macbeth. Tour under direction Frank L. Berley and 3 J. Ruekley. PRICES: $1.5O, $1.25. and $l.OO. Ssale of Beats befrins Friday at B. F. Watts' Jewelry Store. Estáte ot William Howard. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CQtMTr of Washtenaw , ss. At a session oí the Frobttta "Njurt for the eounty of W ashtenaw, holden at tb Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, cw Füursday, the 19th day ofjannary, in the year jnethousand eiïht huDdred and ninety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Jud te of Probate In the matter oí the estáte of WilHani Hwrd, ' Mercill Howard, the admlnistratrix of said estáte, comes into court and represent that sne now prepared to rsnder her final account as suca adroinistratrix. " . - Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesday. tb 14th day of Februaiy next, ut 10 o'ctock ie the forenoon, Deasslijned for examining na allowing such account, and that the bmrs at lawof said deceased, ad all other persone mterestt in sald estáte, are required to appear al a session of said court, then to be holden at to-e Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in aui County, and show cnuse, if any there be, why the sain account should not be allowed. And It_tt furtherordered that said administratorgivenotuft to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendencj of aaid account and the hearing thereot bv caiising a copy of this order to be published ie the Ank Arbor Argus, anewspaper printed inc eiiculiiiingin said eounty, three succeasive weslct previous to aaid ohearin (Atruecopy) Judgeot Piobatt. Willii Ó.Dotv. Probate Retrister. Estáte of Ellen Mead. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Oof Washtenaw, ss . Ata session of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tliursday, the 19th;day of Januaiy, m the year one thousand eigbt hundred and nipreseutreje WUlard Babbitt, Judge of ProIn'the matter of the estáte of Ellen Mead.deceased. Ou readingandfllingthepetition rtuly verifled, of Johanna Mead, piayinf that a certnm instrument now oh file in this Court. purportin tobe the last will and tematneat et nd rtc-oeased may be admttted-to .i.'otie ud thnt administration of said estáte ibrv g-ranted to herself, the executor in said wil! named. or to eorne other suitablc peraon. Thereupon it is ordered, that ífaciOfitOÍ't! löth day of Febniary uext, at teil C clock in the forenoon, be assigneti lor ihe hearing of said petition. and that tlia devisees, legatees and heirs at law of saifi deceased, and all other persons interested in faid estáte, tire required to appear at .a aession of said Court, then to be holden ai the Probate Olfice, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show caus, if any there be. why theprayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is furtherordered that said petitioner dve notioe to the persons interested iu said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of ths order to bé published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, hree succeesive weeks previous to said da.r of hearing. J. WJLLAED DABBTTT, LA true copy.l Judge of Probate William G. Doty. Probatn Keeister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News