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THE BEST jBlood PurifierI IN THE WORLD. 2 WHY SUFFER with that chronic I J disease? Do you want to die ? f m phur Bitters will cure you as it haa f ■m thousands. j Why do yog suffer with that g foulToffensivëbreath ? ft 3 Tou need not if you use Sulphur fc j Bitters. They never fail to cure. fc m Operatives who are closely confined Y m in the milis and workshops; clerks M who do not have sufficient exercise, r j and all who are confined indoors, L M should use Sulphur Bitters. They W l will not then be L 3 WEAK AND SICKLY. I Isyour Breath impure. Tour C a Stomach is out of order. Sulphur E g Bitters is the best medicine to take. L Sulphur Bitters will build you up f Jjand make you II TT STRONQ ANDHeIlTHy! J At the dawn of womanhood, P 5 phur Bitters should be used. K 8end 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work publishei [CARTERfcl VER f Ejck Headache and relieve all the tronblS InotJant to a bilious state of the system, Buch al Dlrzlness, Kausea, Drowstness, Distresa after eaiing. Pain in the Sido, &o. While their moai remarkable success bas been shown ia cunng JTeiclache, vet Carteas Little Liver Pula SM fco_aa]ly valuable in Constipation, curingandpreTenting thisanuoyingcomplaint.wliile theyalaa correct all dis:)rdcr3Ofthestomachtimxilateth liver and regálate the bowele. Efsnif theyonly ■ ebt they wonM be slmoatpricoless to Üio9e wöa tufer from this distressing comylaint; butfortucataly theirgoodnefiadoes notendhere,andthoaa trhooncetry thera will ñnd theso little pills valaeble In so many ways that thoy wiil not be wilJjsgtodowithoatthem. Bat af ter aUsick heü) ach! 'Is the bane at so many llvea tiiat hars Is vbers vas malte our great boost. Oor pills cure itwhila Otherg do not. Carter's Little Llver Pills are very small and Tery easy to tak e. One ortwo pills make adose. They are Btriotly vegetable and do nat gripe or purge, bat by üielr geatle action please all who tuethsm. In Tialsat25 cents; five forti. Sold by diaggiita everywiiere, or sent by mail. 'CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SyAUPILL, SMALL POSE. SMALL PRICE GET A TICKET OF W. P. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choice of the Home Instructor or the Life of General Sherman oí the Life of P. T. Barnum (FREE) when cash purchase to the amount of $15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATÉD. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary f or the practical uses of e veryday hf e. A complete and perfect guide to lif e in public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS OF W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrativa of his boyhood and early life, education, career in Florida and California, military aehievements, life as a citizen, last sickness and death ; vMh fine steel portratt. THE UFE OF P. T. BARNUM. THE WORLD RENOWN ED SHOWM AN. CROWN OCTAVO ,520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. His early life and struggles, bold ventures and brilliant success: bis wonderful eareer, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his llfe as a citizen, etc- to which is added his famous book, The Art of Mtmey GettinoRipans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Eipans Tabules banish pain. Kipans Tabules cure scrofula. Eipans Tabules prolong life.


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