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[OFFICIAL.] cm nou. Chambee, Ans Arbor Jnuuarvlúth, 1S93 Reg-ular session. The council .ivas called to order bj the president, Hou. Mortiiner E. Cool ey. Roll called. Quorum preeent. Absent- Alus. Martin, Uen, OMarí -3. The journal of the last session ira approved. REPORTS OP STANDING COMMITTEES. Ohairman Taylor, of the finance com mittee, offered and read, "A Wil to authorize the city of Ann Arbor to raiise money to construct a systen of sewers." On motion of Aid. Win es the follow ing amendment was made thereto in Section two, line tlhree, strike out the word "ten" and insert in place chereof the word "Ilfteen." On motion the bill was receivei and ordered filed. REPORT OF THE STREET COM.MIÏTEE. Tolhe Common Council: Your Com mittee on Streets to whoni was re ferred the recommeudatiou of tbe Board o Public Works, made January 2d, 1893, respect fully report that tlu-v have had the subjee matter uiider consideration. aud recommcu that the bid and offer of William Her?., to con struct such proposed wood (wbitewood) Btrei sign. to funiish all labor ana material therefo in all things accordiug to the specifieatious for the sum of eleven cents 'each, and to fni nlsh asuffictent uumber to supply the city, b and the same is nereby accepted, and tu Board of Public Works is hereUy instrueted t cause a contract to be executed on the part o the city by the President aud Clerk of th Board of Public Works. Respectfullv submitted. A. P. FERGUSON, L. D. WINES, W. G. 8N0W. W. L. TAYLOR. II. G. PRETTYMAN, Street Committee Aid. Wffinee moved that report be amended so that it sliould be option al witli tlie board of public works to select wood or tin signs. AVhich motion was lost. Aid. Wines moved tJiat the report be, and the same is hereby approvet and confirmed. Adopted as followe: Yeas- Aid. Wines, ScJiairer, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Rehbeng, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymaii, Pres. Cooley - 10. Nays - None. SIDEWALK COMMITTEE. To the Conxinon Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks, to wiiom was referred the petition of Allen A. Kent and others asking for a sidewalk to be ordered built on the east side of Korest Avenue, respectfully report, that they have had the subject matter of said petitiou under cousideration, and find that the gradiug and coustruction of the following sidemalks are all necessary public improvements, and would respectfully recommend that the iollowing sidewalks be ordered graded and constructen, viz : On Forest Avenue along the east side from South University Avenue to Hill Street. We herewith submit a resolution orderjng the same. Respectiully submitted. ARTHUR J. KITSON, WILLIAM HERZ, J. O'MARA, A. H. FILLMORE. D. F. SCHAIRER, ERNKST REHBERG. Sidewalk Committee. Received aud flled. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. 2o the Common Couneil : Your special committee, appointed to draft the necessary amendments to the city charter, have had the matter under consideration and would recommend: First. Tbat the charter be amended so that the city tax snall be collected in July, and the State, County and School tax in December. The amendment should provide that the uupaid city taxes on August lst, should be earried forward iuto the December tax with the addition of ten per cent., so that all delinquent real estáte tax should be returned to the County Treasurer, in the same mauner noiv provided by law. Second. That Section 171 of the charter be amended so as to allow the council to levy a tax, not exceeding in auy one year oue mili, on the assessed valuation of the city for sewerage purposes. We would recommend that the conncil request the City Attorney to draft the necessary amendments and present them to tbe council for its consideratiou at the next meeting. Respectfnlly submitted, L. D'. WINES, W. G. KNOW. E. B. NORRIS, City Atty. Committee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be, and the same is hereby approved a.nd confirmed. Adopted as follow: Yeas- Aid. Wfnes, Schairer, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Retobeng, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley - 10. Nays- None. Chairnian Cooley of the eewer committee repoi"ted progress and asked tor further time, which was granted. KEPORT 01" CITY OFFICEBS. City Clerk Miller's report, contract aawl bond exeeuted by the Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co., ior the year 1893, which were received and ordered ïilud. M0TI0N AND KESOLUTIOX. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the draft of the bill eutitled a bill to authorize the city to raisc money for the purpose of constructing a system of sewers, be and the same is duly approved that the City Attorney be directed to transmit such bill to Kepresentative Kline with a request that he use his best endeavors to procure its passage in the legislature of this state. Adopted. By Alderman Prettymau : Resolved, That the special Committee on Charter Amendments is hereby directed to report a scheme to this Couneil at its next meetiug for subdividing the first and sixth wards iuto three wards, and the second and third wards into three wards respectively. Wliieh i-eolution was lost as iollows : Yeas - Aids. Sohairer, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 3. X.iys - Aid. Wins, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Rehberg, Taylor, Prettyman By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared to be a necessary public improvemeut. Therefore. It is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks begraded, built and constructed on and along the folloning Street and in frdnt of the following property ïu the city of Ann Arbor, viz : On Forest ave. along the east side, from 8. University ave. to Hill street. That all of such sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the marnier prescribed by the provisión of an ordinauce " Entitled an Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," Und ön the grade to be established. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Kehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymrn, Pres. Cooley. Nays - Kone, By Alderman Fillmore : Resolved, That the Street Committee is hereby requested to report at the next couneil meeting In the matter referred to them. as to the tiling and gradïng ïSouth State Street. i south of Pnekurd Street. Aidiopted. On iiiotion tlie council ndjourned. Clerk. )


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