Adrian Press Washtenawisms
The Argus has dug up an old American almanac, dateof 1833, and discovers that the population of that time was composed of 18,168 males and 13,178 females, an excess of 4,990 males over females. Ah, what grabbing times those must have been among the boys to secure the fillies of the flock! It affords us pain to remark that this is today not sp. ..The scramble is upon the other hand. Some day, from an unassailable crag on the neighboring top of some far distant mountain, we mean to write several colums for the Social Blatter, explaining why this is so. "Durt for sail" is the way a sign reads on Comstock street, Adrián. The Adrián schoolmaster must be abroad. - Ann Arbor Argus. Anything like that hoitrifies classic Ann Arbor, where they always add the second "t" in spelling "durt"; and it is not good phonetic ethics, either. With the same snuffy literary estheticism, they urge that 1-a-u-g-h-t-e-r should be pronounced "lafter," and then commit assault with intent to kill, by prefixing an "s" to the word and calling it "slawter," instead of "slafter." What dod rotted nonsense ! The Ann Arbor Courier names Col. H. S. Dean for Regent of the University, and sumsup its editorial comment as follows: "He would makè a strong candidate. He would make a winner. He would be elected." This ought to beamovingconsideration with the Republican party. Fitness must be sacrificed to "winning" attainments. That was what prevailed in the choice for senator. That's why Stockbridge won. Dean is a Stockbridge man, and henee a "winner." Well, the Democrats and Populists will not object. They will hitch up their teams for a unión drive, we trust, next spring, and place Judge Newton on the supreme bench and elect some competent educator as a regent of the University. m Prof. Granger has in preparation a faney dance at Ann Arbor, which ie calis Living Whist. Mr. Granger is up to all sorts of tricks and will come a deuce of a long ways from laving the game reported by some duffer's trumping his partner's ace. After a weeks retirement, Justice Pond, of Ann Arbor, has resumed lis duties, though carrying one arm n a sling. For this he offers no apologies, but remarked on the first day, no cases having come before lim, "Justice as I am, without one plea." The Ann Arbor Courier advocates the project of the city entering into a contract for a term of years, with Drivate parties to rent a building to )e erected exclusively for city pur3oses, the rent to be from $200 to 5225 per month. The city will do well to look the matter over thoroughly with business spectacles. The site for the proposed building s 22x35, )xis large enough for a medium hen coop. To pay $2,500 or 3,000 per year rental, would uild and pay for a comfortable )uilding in ten years time, and have 'rooms to rent," too. Come over and see Adrian's city hall, with the school board and public library ïaving the best of the rooms, and he city dads, and other officials in commodious quarters. The archiecture isn't strikingly handsome, we will admit, but there is room and everything commodious. . Sam Finch, of Milan, won a bicycle on a guessing match. He is reaking the thing to ride, and the jeople oí the town who are obliged 'or safety to climb over the fence vhen Sara comes along with it, wear they will break it for him if lae riot goes on much longer. It is trange, yet true, that a person who ïas been knocked face downward by an untutored bicycle and rises with a mouth full of dust,always displays a spirit of unreasoning intolerance. iow on earth is a bicycler to learn o dodge a man if philanthropy reuses to be practiced on ?
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News