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County And Vicinity

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The business of the Dexter Bed Spring Company is booming. Foxes are unusually numerous around Dexter, and fox hunters are baving fiine sport. The Washtenaw County Fair Association have decided to have no fair this fall, but to hold instead a sheep-shearing festival in the spring. The Ann Arbor Argus heads an article "AMissing Heir." The loss of one is scarcely worth a "head," when so many domesticated men are losing theirsby the handfuls. -Adrián Press. It is said that flour never sold as lowfor the same quality as it is selling this year. It is also in great demand, owing to the high price of potatoes. When flour is high more potatoes are eaten, and when potatoes are high the people eat more bread. - Dexter News. John Curtis, of Webster, is enjoying the slighing behind a fine threeyear-old Hambletonian colt recently purchased from Valentine Brothers. He is doing considerable work in the colt breaking line these days, and has just started in on a stable of seven for T. H. Stanton.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News