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Swine Breeding

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The rapidity with which pigs can be propagated is a strong argument in favor of swine breeding. Swine breeding, however, requires good management to bring about really profitable results. The grower who counts successes whüe his neighbors are sorrowing over failures always manages to have stock to sell when there is a demand forit; he never wants to buy at the saine time that all his neighbors are wanting to buy. There is an old maxim, "Breed when prices are low." It is a good one, but a better one. so far as my experience goes, is 'Breed always." In following the latter maxim, however, one must also, especially with swine, "breed well." Swine deteriórate more quickly than do other stock, henee the great importance of introducing from time to time freSh and improved blood. A comparatively short period of ncgligence and the snont elongates. the compact forni attenuates and fattening proporties deteriórate, as witness stock ttirued adrift to be maintained on the mast found in the woods.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News