Tobacco Curing
A tobáceo barn should be weather proof and so ventilated that a f cee circulation of air can be secured where desired. At.tention is called in a Oonnectieut station report to the fact that the enring of tobáceo is not so rauch a procesa of drjaug as of fermentation, and that it is therefore desirable to establish conditions which will promote those chemical changes which produce the best quality of cured tobáceo. The merits of the uso of artificial heat in curing tobáceo are discussed, with the conclusión: "To aid the process of fermentation when other conditions are unfavorable, and to establish within the barn at critical periods conditions which shall prevent the oceurrence of 'pole burn,' are the only uses for artificial heat in this connection." The stem rot, which of ten in jures tobáceo in the later stages of curing, is caused by a fungus. The thorough cleánsing of the curing barn and the destruction of all ref use are the best and simplest precautions. Fumigation with sulphur is recommended as an effectnal means of destroying the spores.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News