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A sKii)iig LighL Out orer the dark business seas is that cast every direction by upright dealing. We pride ourselves on a reputation so far reaching and so honorably won. Soodyear's h WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOUND.- A bunch of keys on Monroe street The owner can have sanie by calling at University Stewards olfice' 5o-it WANTED.- Agentsto sell the fastestselling NOTClty on the luarkeft Sendas cents for ampie. Jig-Ja? Puzzle Co., Anu Arbor. oo-tf PIANO TÜNING-.- A. I. Brown, the weU knovn piano tuner with C. J.whimey, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the argcs ottice wlll receive his attention. rpo UENT.-At No. 30 S. State St. A flat of 1 six rooms. Epquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf ANN AKBOR NUKSERY-Fruit and ornamental trees. Feach and pear a speeialty. Grape vines, berry Dlants, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOK SALE- Flve acres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn. orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron stieet, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 'tr TO RENT.- Furnished house heated with f urnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts, Koom 18, Masonic Block. FOK CASH you can buy your wood at wholesale price. It wil] pay you toget pnces before buying wood elsewhere. H. Kichards, 9 Detroit street. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS.-Dealers wanted in every town in State of Michigan, to sellit and handle our goods. Splendid opportunity for enerscetic men. For particulars address. The North American Phonograph Co., Masonic Temple, Chicago, IU. 1-1 - - ' ' ff A Young Attorney will flnd a good location A. by addressing A. P. Hough, Fife Lake, Mich. The village councü will pay a good ann ual retrainer to any one Town of 600. No attorney within 14 miles. FARM FOR SALE.- Farm for sale near Ann Arbor. Will sell very cheap, or will take a small farm or house and lot as part pay. For particulars address Box 1354, Ann Arbor. ü-tt


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News