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Great Inventory Sale

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EXTR10RDINARY BARGMNS In Dry Goods at the Old Reliable Dry Goods Store of BACH ABEL & CO. To enable us to reduce our Large Stock, we will sell our whole line of desirable Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices. CLOAKS. Our entire Stock of Cloaks at cost and iess than cost. PLTTSH JACKETS, Fur Trimmed and Plain at one-half price . FÜR TRIMMED REEFER COATS in black and light colors, at prices that will sell them in a very short time. MISSES' CLOAKS at less prices than you have ever known them, They must be sold. We cannot afford to carry them over. LADIES' FLUSH AND ASTRAKAN SACQUES at lower prices than the cost of manufacturing. We have too many, and must seU. IADIES' AND MISSES' NEWMARKETS marked to sell from $1.00 to $6.00. These garments are worth from $5.00 to $15.00. We need the money and you need the goods. At no time have such real bargains been offered to Anu Arbor trade LADIES' CAPES AND MANTLES in black and fancy ligh cloths, rednced in price to sell them all by February lst $12.00 Garments for $8.00; $15.00 Garments for $10.00 $18.00 Garments for $12.00. Don't miss these bargains. Yoi will never get another chance that equals this. Fur Capes and Muffs To go and at Prices that will make them al go in Ten Days at the Furthermost. French Seal Capes at $8.00, reduced from $12.00. Electric Seal Capes with Astrakan Reefer, $11.00; reduced :rom $15.00. Electric Seal Capes with Black Marten Reefer, $13.50; reducec árcm $20.00. French Coney Capes with Astrakan Reefers, $5.00; reduced fxom $8.00. These goods are all new and were the best in the market ; out we want the money, henee this cut in prices, which means a sonsiderable loss to us. The prices of Muffs reduced so that every lady can afford to ieep her hands warm. PRESS FLANNELS. 12 P'IECES 54-LNCH DRESS FLANNELS ranging in price from 65, 70 and 75 cents, reduced to 50 cents per yard. 5. PIECES 54-INCH PLAID DRESS FLANNELS at 43 cents per yard, rednced from 65c. r PIECES 40-INCH IMPORTED PLAID CHEVIOTS, 50 cents per yard; reduced from 75c. 50 PIECES 40-INCH DRESS FLANNELS in Plain Colors, Plaids, Stripes and Novelty Weaves (all wool) at 40c per yard, reduced from 50 and 60 cents. - 10 PIECES OF FANC SAXONY SÜITINGS at 20 cents per yard, reduced from 25 and 30 cents. All other Dress Flannels and Broadcloths at Correspondingly Low Prices. Woolen Underwear. LADIES' ALL-WOOL SCARLET VESTS AND PANTS at $1.00, reduced from $1.40 and $1.50 each. SENTSr ALL-WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS at 50 cents, reduced from $1.00 each. MISSES' WHITE AND SCARLET VESTS AND PANTS, full line of sizes, at original cost. All other grades at prices to correspond. LADIES' FLANNEL AND KNIT SHIRTS are useful articles and we have a full line and want to sell them. Note these prices: $ï. 40 Flannel Shirts reduced to $1.00. $1.00 Skirts reduced to 75 cents. Knit Saxony Skirts, 75 cents to $2.00 each, all very Btmch reduced in price. DRESS GOODS. # Our Stock of Dress Fabrics is far too large for our present wants, and to reduce them One-half we will cut the Prices to induce the people to take them off our hands. 10 FIECES ARNOLDS' 48-INCH HENRIETTAS, 78 cents, reduced from $1.00. 25 PIECES OF THE SILVER TICKET-BRAND, COLORED FRENCH HENRIETTAS, 68 cents a yard, reduced from 80 and 85 cents. 30 PIECES OF THE CELEBRATED J. CASHMERES, at 43 cents a yard. 20 FIECES OF FRENCH SERGE, 40-1NCHES WIDE, at 44 cents a yard. Our Entire Line of FRENCH DRESS GOODS consisting of SERGES, CREPONS, CORDS AND BIAGONALS so much reduced in price that their best friends would not recognize them. & 25 PIECES OF WM. HALL & SONS' FAMOUS JAMESTOWN DRESS FABRICS, at 18 cents a yard, reduced from 25 cents. We have not the room or disposition to keep them. 10 FANCY PATTERN DRESSES at $7.50 each, reduced from $12.50 and $15.00. We are willing to part with them. 10 PATTERNS, JAMES McCREERY & CO., SCOTCH CHEVIOT SUITINGS, Dark Colors, 6 yards each, no two alike, $6.00 each, reduced from $8.50 and $9.00. 12 Patterns of the same style of Fabrics and same number of yards, at $6.00 and $7.50, reduced from $8.00, $9.00 and $12.00. This lot are light colors and very stylish. 10 PIECES of 28-LNCH BROCADED AND CORDED, HalfWool Dress Goods, at 12L cents a yard, reduced from 16 cents. 8 PIECES, JAMES McCREERY .& CO., IMPORTED SCOTCH CHEVIOT SUITINGS, SNOW FLAKE MIXTURES, Dark Colors, at 85 cents a yard. These goods we have sold rezularly at $1.20 a yard. 14 PIECES of DAPHENO'S 48-INCH TWILLED FRENCH BROADCLOTHS, at 83 cents a yard, reduced from $1,00. All choice colors, suitable for travelling and Spring wear, and are the best value in the city. All Plaids, Stripes and Novelties n Imported Fabrics treated in the same manner, and wethink that it will move them. HOll-KEEPIIl l_tlBB. $1.25 Bleached Satin Damask, reduced to 95 cents. 1.00 Bleached Satin Damask, reduced to 83 cents. 1.35 Belgian Cream Damask, reduced to $1.00. 1.00 Belgian Cream Damask, reduced to 86 cents. 75 Belgian Cream Damask, reduced to 60 cents. 60 Barnsley Cream Damask, reduced to 48 cents. 50 Barnsley Cream Damask, reduced to 42 cents. The Stewart Establishments special and patented design in Table Damask at $1.65 per yard, reduced from $2.00. Napkins to match with prices to correspond. 50-cent Turkey Red Damasks, reduced to 42 cents. 40-cent Turkey Red Dá"masks, reduced to 33 cents. 25-cent Turkey Red Damasks, reduced to 21 cents. Over 200 Dozen of Napkins ranging in price from $1.00 to $6.00 per dozen, reduced in price to keep up with the procession. 1 Piece of 5-4 Pillow Case Linen at 68 cents per yard, worth 90 cents. L 50 Pieees of Stevens' American Linen Crashes, all qualities in Bleached and Unbleached, which we will sell at the Manufacturer's list-prices. Lunch Cloths, Carving Cloths, Tray Cloths, Doylies all cut in price to make a ready sale for them. L Lot of White Marseilles Couutepanes $1.18, reduced from $1.50. 1 Lot of White Crochet Quilts, 82 cents, were sold at $1.10. 1 Lot of White Crochet Quilts, $1.42 cents, were sold at $1.75. All other numbers, both Marseilles and Crochet, reduced in price to keep in pace with the others. GLASS TOWEL1NG AND STAIr LINEN used the same way, and we think that the sale will be lively. Silk and Velvets The Prices on these Goods are out to correspond with other Departments. 1 Piece 24-Inch BLACK FAILLE 95 cents, reduced from $1.25. 1 Piece, 20 Inch BLACK FAILLE, at 75 cents, reduced from $1.00. Our $1.25 and $1.35 BLACK GROSS GRAINS, reduced to $1.00 Our $1.50 BLACK GROSS GRAIN reduced to $1.17. Our $1.15 BLACK SATIN RH ADAME reduced to 88 cents. Our $1.35 BLACK SURAH (one of the latest makes) reduced to $1.00. Our $1.00 BLACK BROCADES (all Silk and heavy) reduced to 75 cents. Our entire line of Colored Silks in FAILLES, SATIN RHADAMES and GROSS GRAINS at 75 cents per yard, reduced from $1.00. Our whole as3ortment of TRIMMING SILKS, consisting of Plaids, Stripes, Brocades and Mories, at 75 cents per yard, reduced from $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Our complete stock of PR1NTED INDIA SURAHS and REAL CHINA SILK will be sold at 80 cents per yard, reduced from $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. We offer 5 Pieces of BLACK PEKÍN STRIPED VEL VET at 55 cents; cut in price from $1.00. Our whole lina of BLACK AND COLORED VELVETS we offer at a reduction in price that will please yon and will sell the goods for us. We will sell all of our handsome SWIVEL WEAVE NOVELTIES and fancy BLACK SILKS not mentioned at prices to match those named. HOSIEBY DEPARTMENT. Our Hosiery Department has been attended to in the same manner as pther lines. LADIES' BLACK ENGLISH CASHMERE HOSE (High Spliced Heel and Doubled Sole) at 40 cents a pair, worth and reduced 50 cents. The same style of Hose (better quality) 62 cents a pair, reduced from 75 cents. LADIES' (All-Wool) BLACK HOSE, in plain and ribbed, all sizes at 20 cents a pair, reduced from 25 and 30 cents. 30 Dozen BOYS' BLACK AND OXFORD MIXED BICYCLE HOSE, sizes 7L to 10, 20 cents a pair, worth 25 to 35 cents a pair. The weather is cold. The Prices on all of our exclusive Lines of English and Germán Hosiery will be in keeping with the above. BLANK ETS We have cut to the Quick in the Prices of these Goods, and for a pointer we name the following : 25 Pairs of SACRAMENTO, 11-4 Wool Blankets at $1.90 per pair reduced from $2.50. 10 Pairs of WHITE FLEECE Blankets at $1.15 per pair, reduced from $1.50. These goods are going and will continue to go very fast. SPECIAL. The reason for this Extraordinary Cut in Prices is, that our Stock is much too large for our present needs, and in order to carry out the desires of the members of this firm, we have reduced Prices throughout the establishment, and the sale will continue until February lst, or as near that time as we can complete the figures of our Inventory, at which time we expect to make an announceto the public. PHILIP BACH, ZACHARY ROATH, SURVIVING PARTNERS OF BACH, ABEL & CO THE OLD RELIABLE DRY GOODS HOUSE.


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