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- REMEMBER THIS FACT. Yonr Boweis sml Kidneys must alwaye bo free to perform thelr funotious, They aro (li sal'ety valves of the systctn and ir alíowed i become obstruclvd the licfusc of tlir; body. nol boiiijí ellmlnated will poieon the blooii sai slckuess inevitably follows. The Dr. Eiaenbnrtli Liver Pilis wil] rcfrulato your bowols titid stiiimlRte, to healthy aetioia your Llver, Kldne.Vh.iiid Digestivo Organs. ForSaloby Makn bros., Drugglsts, 39MainSt EBERBAGH & $M, DBUGGISTS AND PRAGMACLSTS, No. 12 Soutf Main Street DEALBUS IN ]VIeílicines, Chemicals, Dye Stufls, Artist's and Wax Plower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PülWINfimjJÜDKRS Special attcntlon paid tainv furnishin of Pliysipians, Chcinisls, Schools, etc:, witb philosnplucal Ilnd Chemical Apamtus, Bohemia n Chemical Glas ware, Porcelain Ware, l'vri; HcatfentB, etc. Physicians' Pret-cripüons Cárvfullv Prepmcd s All hours. THE EQUITABLE Life Assurange Society. OF TITE UNITED STATES. Heniiy B. IIydi5, President. James W. Alexandek, Vice-Pres't. JANUARY 1, 1892. ASSETS $130,15)8,518 {4abüitles lo,{)Ofi,57 SUKPLUS ._$i0,!t)a.8l INCOMK 83,O54:,44 New Business I 2ÍÍÍÍ,1 1 8,3:1 wrttteo Ín 1891. f Assuraiice ) 804.8!4.557 in lnrce J Investment Bonds, Endowment Policies, Ordinary Life Poücies, Issued on the Uves of botli male and female and payable to the assuied in 10, 15, or 20 yearé. Any person who will send the date of his birth will be given an illustration precisely adapted to his own age and circumstances. W. R, PRIGE, Agent, Ann Aiii'.oii, Míen. I I ? I! S 1 !?S SS í M Ï ti . -i r b 'S H n I I-E ti "í w iM ffi S I W Ê II W _ _ u _ „„, ■ riíeÍNgolp BOCK BEER -AT NO. 5 W.


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