A New Certam Cure for Piks. We do not intend to endorse any except articles of genuine merit; we thcrefore, take pleasure in recom,mending to sufferers from Piles in any form, a prompt and permanent cure. Thé following letters speak for themselves. jVlrs. Mary C. Tyler, of Heppner, Ore., writes; One pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure#ntirely cured me of piles from which I have suffered for years, and I have never had the slightest return of them since. Mr. O'Brien, Rock Bluffs, Neb., says: The pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely removed every trace ofitching piles, I cannot thank you enough for it. The Pyramid Pile Cure is a new, cerlain painless cure for every form of piles. For sale by all druggists, or sent postpaid for $i by addressing Pyramid Co., Albion, Mich. Any druggist will get it for you if you asl him. Seton Hall College. CA1HOLIC. South Orange New Jersey. UneurpnHsed for hcalthfulness of location eleganee of buildings, general equipment and excellence of instruction. roUNDED 1856. Send lor prospectus and book of photographic viows. REV. WM. F. MARSHALL, President. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. FREDERICK K RAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attenil to all sales on short notice at reasouable charles. For further particulars cali at the Akgus office lüïnTTTËAmün BAKERT. &R0CEBY AND FL0tíRAND FEED STORí, Wfl keep constan tl y on hand 8REA0, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We k1i:i1I also ketp :i supply ol OSBORË'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.'s Best White WTieal Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Fjed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesnlc nnil Retail. A general stock ot &R00EBIES AND PROVISIONS cotiatmtly on h.inj, which will be solil on ns reasonble terms as at ;my other house in the city. KT"Cash paid for Bntter, Eg)fS. iln(J Country Produce íjenerallv. B"Goods Delivered to anv part of the city with out extra charge. RiiiHoy & Seubolt. DANIEL HISCOCK, 105 N. Main Street, , The only deaier in LEHICH COAL. He is now receiving largo invoioos of the samo, and oíd and new customers aro rushing for it, beuauso they pronounce it Mío beat Coa in the city. Up-town office at JOHN MÜOKK'S Drug Store, 12 E. Hurón Street. MARTIN CLARK, Special Salesman, 62 E. WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Dr. A. D. McKenney, VBTikRINARliíJRGlÜJ Honorary Gradúate of the Ontario Veterinary aollego, Toronto, Canada. All calis promptls" Jnswerod dny'or nlght. Oflice and telophone, Cobisou & Howlett's Livery. rÁcpMty BMKBIBnHMHThequiltlnKPfLity and tho H tIW coach are playeil9 A mili T UinC' The tolephone niul ■ AUILI InHUCBuavIa Kamilr Qullting B ibi m iimiimm B Machino are modern neI IN 3 HOURS. fa ■ ble uttuchincnt for all sewiiitf machines. Onf huly (noto or 9) can make ti quiltin Shours; alsoqiiilt chikiren's clouks; dressllnings, ote. Send üüO.OO imd I will sond yon a machino by flrst expross. Anents wanted evorywfaere, Fnrcirculnrsaixl full Information addrens H12NKY T. DA VIS, 3U W. Handolph 8t., Chicago Garfield Tea sg OurüBSicklIeutiacbe.HePtoresCüinplüiion.Saves Doctors' Itílls. Somplefroo. önriEUTKAO).,319 W,i6th8t,N.Y. Cures Constipation
Ann Arbor Argus
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