The Woman And The Umbrella
A woman ought to have senso enough o carry an umbrella without ondangerng other people's lives, remarks an rascible man, but in ninety-nlne cases out of one hundred she hasn't. The woman -with an umbrella is drcadcd by verybody. You come down town with lar, and she Íets it snuggle against rour petticoats and drip its eold shower nto your boots. Then, when you leave he car, she manages to have that umrella just at such an angle that, unless your guardián angel has a firra hold on rour collaY, you're sure to f all over it. n the 6treet she walks very f ast and íolds that umbrella firmly, so its edges ake your eyes. Of course she never ees you, but you learn to hate her with a deep green hatred, which is intensiied if she happens to walk upstairs in ront of j'oU;
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News