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ffilGHIGAN (TeNTRAL " The Mugara Falls Route." TIME TA BLE (KEVJSEO) N()'. 20, 18ÍC. CENTRAL STANDARD TIMK. S a ; Sa esa ( p. e s S3 c. S s ; : : : e ffo .COXWMOÜO Í2 SS ' ' 'Lin FTs Ës & i l 5 ftí = 5 P-P. ! c; 25 8?SSSSteSS3 SS2;=L :SSSL q CS-WiftiitrtiCt-ï) L SlOlOïOO O - i-iL71 TTi iTs i ea s cd O ! ! ! 5 cö & " IO ói CC 5 50 d OvWf&i-W'íi 2 "C Í Í bd irt Ot-C0 00O05 03 0)OO Sla" : . : Tp & Si i i i I 3 ft ! :&d cea; : : ft L se ; ; ;ss ;s 3 ss ss ; : ss coa í ■ offi ;oi g ch Jíin i ; ;o B S "Ti : :ES Sisa:: : : I ■i ft : : : : : &cj os ; ; a s i i ís i ;ss x ss ; s ; ; ;ss jg &3.t'Tii . coa ] o i'4' h SS i 66 g-l sa : : : = 0 H o ! A" 5 s es i SSoh ; co í o ■ i oco ■-. ma q otoia ctí;! 5 CJ t coco ' asco TTi sí !ta a a es a p, -: cá o. t-ww. uf co ■ ! ooco os os 3i o: o -H tHniyiiiijiyNÍii illijpllllftílii O.W. EUOGLES, H. W.HAYE8, G. P. & T. Attent, Chicasro. Aif't Aun Atbor. CIii'm II January 3, 1892. Mielga iü West Michigan klway, A.M. P.M. P.M, P. M. Loave Grand Rapids.. !):00 12:05 5:!!0 8:!tó Arr. Holland 9:55 Vi-Aó tí:2ñ 9:fW Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:44 7:05 10;13 _ Muskcgon 11:05 4 05 7:85 10:45 A M. P.M. Lesivo Grand Kapids 7:25 5:17 Arr. Newayjro H:52 (!:49 WhlteCloud 9:17 7:15 Bife' Kapids .-.. 10:45 8:15. Haldwín )0:25 8:34. " Ludington via r.M. F, &P. M 2:00 10:30 " Manistee via M. &N. E 12:30 10:22 Traverse City 12:45 10:59 Elk Kapida 1:45 11:60 Daily . Olhor trains weok days ouly. Free Chair cars lictweon Giand Kapids and Manietee. Leave Grand Kapida 5.17 P. M. The "Favorites" between Detroit,' Graod Kapids and all points Ín Western and Northern Michigan. GF,O. DeHAVEN, General Passenger Agont. Mmf Lansing and Northern Railroa-d. A,M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Howell 10:22 3:45 9:01 Arr. South Lyon 10:52 Plymouth 11:13..... 9:54 " Detroit 13:00 5:10 10:40 Leave Howell 8:40 12:48 6:45 705 Arr. Lansing 9:45 3:00 7:5fi 8:10 Grand Ledgo... 10:10 2:50 8:25 8:40 " LakeOdessa ... 10:50 9:15 " Grand Rápida.. 11:50 10:15 " Ionia 11:20 3:45 :40 P.M Greenville 12:23 4:58 10:i57 Howard City... 1:00 5:35 11:20. Fast train leavea Detroit 1:15 p m, Howell 2:37 p ïti, arrive at Lansing 3:2ti p m, Grand KapiQB 5:15 p m. Leavo Graml Kapids 1:UU p m, arrive at Lansing 2:55 p m, Howell 3:45 p m, Detroit 5:10 p m. Parlor Cars on all trains betweon Detroit and Grand Kapids. Seats. 25c for any distance, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Card in effoet November lGth, 1893. Departure oí' Trains at Anu Arbor. GOING NORTH. No. 1. Mail Express, Daily except Sunday 720 a. ín. No. 3. Passgr, Ann Arbor Accom. Daily except Sunday 12 00 noon No. 5. Mail Passenger Daily exeopt Hunday 4 2Sp. ra. No. 101. Passenger (Sunday only). ...10 i.r a. m OOINO SOUTH. No. 2. Mail Passgr, Daily Exeopt Sunday 11 32 a. ni. No. 4. Mail Express Daily oxeept Sunday 8 47p. m. No. 6. Toledo Aecommodation Daily except Sunday 7 00 a. m. No. 102. Passenger (Sunday only) ... 7 23 p. ra. Trains 101 and 102 botween Toledo and Owosso only. Central Standard Time. W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GKEENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Airent. Local Aeent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Timo table taking effect October 1, 1892. Leave Ann Arbor from Court lloutse at 7.20, &,LL and m' 8-M' 43Ü Leave YpxOanti nt 7.00, 9.00, 10.30, a. m. and 12,40, 2.30, 4.00, ,5.30, 7.00, 8.30, 10.30 p. m. SUNDAY TIME TABI-E. o ÍP%yL Ann Arhor írom Court H at 2.30, 3.50, 5.30, 8.60, 8.30, 9.50, p. m. Leavo Ypsilanti at 2.00, 3.30, 5 00, 0.30. 8.00, 9.30, p. m. Cars run on City Time,, twenty-eiuht minute fouter than Standard Time. Coupon tickets, 15 cents. For sale by conducto rs. Drunkenness, or the Llquor Hablt, Posltlvely Cured By Admlnlsteringf Dr. Heines' Golden Speclflc. It is manufactured as a powder, which can o givon in a glaas of boor, a cupol' eoffee or tea, or In food, without tho knowledge of the patiënt. It ia absolutely harmless, and will elTect a permacent and speedy curo, whothor the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcohohe wreek. It has been given In thonsands of cases, and in overy iuatance a portoet cure has followed. It never Falls. Tlie system once impregnated with the Speclfle, it beecmesan utter impoeibility for tho liiiuor appdtite to oxiat. Cures guarantoed. 48 page book of partieulars freo. Address, Golden Spociflc Co. 185 Kace St.. Cincinuati, O. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. L1VERÏ,HACK AHÍ) BAGGAGE HfïE, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store íí?ntOaUt,1?l"18lday,arld Orders for trams, parties, weddings and funerala ArborPifloh"0nd0d lelePho'. M8 ÁS5 TOTËlisÊASÈS 'DISEASESOFTHESKIN Specially and Sklllf ully Treated Sn I'atent Medicine Fraud, ( But ;1r "d, No'oniiiimforlnstituteFake. ( A Clen Hand o ISlecirlcal Humbug, ) snd ( Honeat Parpóte. Over twenty years active Hospital nd 8an!tarmm expenence. Thousands of happy, grateful a'Z%''tvmVmg lnt0 eTery stat in tne Union. W lfynuaremtere8ted,iDTestigate. Yomvill iirely he pleased and maybe siirpriHerl. Wriiu [Ully. Inquire freely. A valuable trenti on C" 5' Private Nature, confldentlul ai-i! Free. SEND FOR IT. Addreas or cali on DR. O. J. R. HANNA. JACKSON. ÏUCH.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News