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Go to the M. E. church tonight and hear what Bishop Vincent has to say about "That Girl." Fratrnity Lodge, F. & A. M., will hold a special meeting tonight, to confer the third degree. The city street scrapers were used on Wednesday morning to remove the snow from the street car tracks. A. P. Ferguson has received orders from Dublin, Ireland, and Madras, India, for SI ,000 worth of road carts. The young people of Dixboro will hold a War Concert at the church, Saturday evening, Jan, 23. Admission, ten cents. Prof, G-ranger announces that pupils may enter his academy for dancing at any time, their term counting from the date ofidmission. llepresentative Kline has introduced a bill in the legislatura appropriating $20.000 for the erection of a gymnasium for giiis at the University. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Michigan began its annual session in Saginaw on Tuesday afternoon, with about 600 delegates in attendance. The young people of the Baptist church will indulge in a sleigh-ride to Dexter, this evening, starting from the church at half-past six o'clock. Justice Pond sentenced Frank Hazelwood to five days in jail, Wednesday, for imbibing until boisterous. He claims to be from Boston, Mass. The iirst township treasurer to settle in f uil with County Treasurer Suekey was Edward Shuart, treasurer of Superior. The amount paid was 85,650. A large number of Ann Arfoor people drove to Ypsilanti on Monday evening to attend the recital given by Clinton Eider. Mr. and Mis. Eider gave a reeption after the recital. George Flowers was taken to the Detroit house of correction, Tuesday, y Turnkey McCabe. The ripple of he spring rivulets will be heard to the vales before he gets out again. Mrs. Henry Hirth, of Lodi, died at íer home in that township, Tuesday morning, of inflammation of the lungs. Her husband and four children will sadly miss a good wife and mother. A load of green wood tipped over on North Main treet, Saturday noon. rhe driver was uninjured,except iu liis feelings, whieh. found adequate ex)ression in expletives common in such cases. The heavy snow-fall ou Tuesday greatly impeded tlie running of the electric cara. They went along as though they feit tired, and in the evenng made their trips in connected couples. A large number of teams were required to remove the heaps of snow shoveled from the sidewalks in front of the business blocks on Wednesday. The snow was piled up in long ranges of hummocks. Miss Amanda Binder, of West Liberty street, was surprised by a raid made upou her by her young friends, on Monday evening. An evening such as only young people eau spend together was the inevitable result. Louis Sweetlaud, of Lodi township, killed seven hogs last Monday, weighing from 150 to 300 pounds each. He will sell most of the hogs, and as the price of pork is now away up, lie will reali'.e a snug sum for them. Some fellow who has a proper sense of the desirability of keeping warm, Init with a biased sense of the difference between mine and thine, stole a sweater from the front of J. V. Sheehaa's store, Monday evening. Pully six inches of snow fell, Tuesday, arid the sleighing is the best we have had in many years. Tlailroad traflic is seriously hindered on both tUe Toledo road and the Central, and all trains are more or less behind time. George Flowers, who was tried before Justice Pond for stealing gloves from the front of John Pfisterer's store, lead guilty to the charge Tuesday morning, and was sent to the Detroit house of correction for ninety days. The Episcopal Convooation concluded its sesión at St. Andrew's church last evening. with the discussion of the question, "Is our National Character Deteriorating ?" A full choral service was a more than pleasing feature of the evening. W. Van Holstine, of Whittaker, charged with steal inj fmm his etnployer last December, has plead guilty to the charge, in the circuit court, and was sentenced to two years at the Ionia house of correction. He has servet! time there before on a similai charge. The $10 prize offered by the Inlander for the best contribution to Michigan verse has been awarded to Lawrence A. McLouth, instructor in Germán. ïhe poem is entitled " Broken Hearted,'' and will appear in the January number of the Inlander. The farmers have brought in immense quantities of wood this week, but this has not had the effect of lowering the price. Many of them have to depend upon the sale oL wood to obtain money to pay their taxes, and are holding their wheat for a higher market. A horse belonging to Jacob J. Schlimmer, of Brown street, feel down at the corner of Liberty street and Fourth avenue, last Friday afternoon, in consequence of sudden illness, and there appearing no hope of his recovery he was shot and conveyed to the horse cemetery. As a lecturer, Bishop Vincent is well known, not only in this country but in England. Hïs lecture this evening at the M. E. church will be thoroughly entertaining; and because of bis deep insight into the life of young people, will contain many valuable suggestions for teachers . The great sophomore hop takes place this evening at Granger's academy, and will be a "swelF' affair. Invitaüions have been issued for forty-five couples. The chaperons announced are Mis. .1. B. Angell, Mrs. G. Daek, Mrs. de Pont, Mrs. M. L. II. Walker, and Mrs. P. C. Freer. Though at the present time members of the Choral Union are expected to pay their own expenses at the World's Fair, yet arrangements are now under eonsideration to give one or two extra concerts, the proceeds of which will be used to rerund partially or totally the amount thus paid by the members. Amended declárations have been filed in the gircuit court in the cases of Henry Baumgartner and Julius Weinberg cagainst the Board of Regents and others. This has been done to avoid some technicalities. These cases arose out of contracta made for the erection of the iTew hospitáis. The restaurant of Lawrence J. Damm has been repapered on walls and ceilings by Charles Stabler, this week, and is now one of the most attractive places in the city. The work done is creditable to Mr. Staebler, and will be a delight to the eyes of eveiy customer of the establishment. Several wild rabbits were seen in the second ward, this week. The poor little animáis have probably been driven from their native haunts in the country by the numerous hunters, and have ñed to the city for the preservation of their lives, perhaps beiug aware through some intuition that a city ordinance forbids the use of fire-arms within our borders. The second lecture upon ''Shakespeare,"' in the University extensión course, which was to have been delivered at the Universalist churcli in Detroit. "Tuesday evening, had to be postponed on account of the illness of Professor Demmon. who is suffering from a serious attack of intlammation of the bowels. At this writing the professor is considerably better. The Aun Arbor Electric ligkt Company will make improvements in their plant this year, amounting to $13,000. This will include the putting in of a new 250 horse-power engine, hen the present small engine will be used to supply power to nianufactories, printing oflices and other industries. A laige new boiler will also be put in, and an additional smoke-stack will be erected It will occupy them most of the year in making these and other improvements for the benefit of their patrons. The health of Professor C. VV. Helser, assistant professor of Oriental languages in the University, has beei failing for some time, and he hast jus resigned kis position and accepteil ; j professorship in the University of Colorado, in the hope that the climate of that state may restore hiin to health The professor was one of the bes known members of the faculty among the students, and his resignation is very much regretted by them. He wa especially active in Bible study, foi which he was eminently qualilied oi account of his thorough knowledge o the oriental languages. Judge N. W. Cheever's address be fore the Inland League on Monda; evening was of special interest and hi subject was well handled. His storie of the war days at the Universitj when companies were drilling on a parts of the campus, with Law Librai ian Vanee as drillmaster, held the attention of his audience thoroughly He said that at the battle of Antietair a regiment composed mostly of U. o1 Si. boys captured a very important battery, the commanding ollicer ac countiiig for their exploit by sayim that "they didn't know any better.' There were no co-eds in the University at that time, and the boys did nol wear bangs or frjz their hair. DA large number of young people enoyed ;t sqeial and dance, last Friday svening, at the residence of Eugene 13. Hall, on Hill street. An adjourned meeting of the County Fair Association will be held in the supervisors' room at the court house aext Thursday morning, at ten o'clock. The Washtenaw County Medical Society will meet this evening at the [larkins house, Ypsilanti. An interssting program has been prepared for ts sessions. At the animal meeting of the trustees )L the M. E. church, last Friday evenng, A. L. Noble was re-elected presilênt, and Prof. E. L. Walter secretarv md treasurer. The Congregational church has reílected Dr. N. S. Jloff as decon. Robert Campbell was elected treasurer; Rufus Waples, clerk; and F. O. Wagner superintendent of the Sunday school. A large delegation from the K. O. T. M. tent at Delhi visited Arbor tent last Friday evening, and witnessed tl; conferring of the Oriental degree alter the completion of the regular review vvork. Hon. Charles R. Whitman contemplatee building six cottages on Thirteenth street, to cost about $2,000 each, for the use of small families. They will contain all the modern improvements. Professor Stanley extends a cordial nvitation to all lovers of music to be resent at the Pupils' Recital tomorrow fternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the School f Music. The programme is a "bang p" one. The Toledo road is said to have a I mrty of surveyors running a line frorn Whitmore Lake to Hamburg Junction y way of Base and Strawberry lakes. The line, if constructed, woukl be a reat convenience to the public. A magnitícent photographic view of Niagara Falls has been sent to Mr. layes, of the Michigan Central. It is ix feet long, and was taken from the rack used by the North Shore limited. t can be seen at the Central depot, Between fifteen and twenty couples 'rom tbis city went out to the resience of Alfred Paul, in Pittsfleld, on 'hursday evening, as a surprise party. ?hey arrived there at nine o'olock, and njoyed the hospitality of that well ippointed household until an early hour this moruing. Christopher Lispath was gathered in ast Friday evening by Officer Collins, or being drunk. He was taken before lustiee Butts.who fined him $1 and $5.20 costs, or 10 days in jail, and was given an opportunity to endeavor to raise ihe money and avoid the "cooler."' Ie formerly lived in Dundee. The work on the exterior of the Waterman gymnasium is progressing slowly but surely, and will probably be completed within a month. The iron and glass for the skylights have arived and will soon be placed in position. The basement will be used for baseball practice, and candidates i'or positions on teams will probably begin nacticing there ir) a week or two. On tlie dray-stauds the drivers of those useful vehicles are muffled up these days like Esquimaux, and don't look over-coinfortable notwithstanding their tnufflings. The horses don't say anything about the cold, of course, but they look volumes. The average dray horse is one who has seen better days, and whose reduced vitality is not well calculated to withstand severe cold. At Ibis writlng (Thursday) there are reported to be twelve or fourteeu cases of stnall-pox in Pittsfield, and one of' the four children of Mc. Schneider atfeaeked by the dread disease luis died. The. state board of health bas sent a supply of vaccine virus, and lias ordered everybody in the townsliip to be vaccinated. There is a rumor, not yet conlirmed, tfiat the disease Las broken out in Saline. James Kay Applebee, the great Shakespearean student, was greeted by a full house at the Unity Club ou Monday night. He interpreted the various characters in King John in a clever and eoncise marnier. The play, be typical of tbe age of chivalry, being an exact representation of tbose times. The lecture was heard with great interest. Mr. Applebee spoke on Richard 111 the fóllowing evening. Elisha A. Calkins, father of tí. E. ('alkins, the State street druggist, died Saturday morning, at his residence on south Ingalls street, aftei a proloDged illuess. Mr. Calkins was bom in New York in 1823, and had therefore entered his TOth year. He lived au exeinplaiy liïe and was respected by everybody who kivew hiin. lie once resided in Soutb Lyon, owning a farm near that place, aml also operated a shingle mili in that neighborhood. II is wil'e and the son already nientioned survive Mm. The funeral services were held at thi family residence oh Monday afternoon. i Throngh the kindness of Mr. Beal, the Sewing School has been granted the privilege of occupying the south room of the Courier building for their use. School wiil begin Saturday, Eeb. i 4. We hope to see the children and ! teachers present, to begin the work again. M. S. Bkown, Supt. About eighty young people from tbis city attended a social, last week, at the residence of Patrie O'Neil, in Northfield. Dancing formed an agreeable part of the program, and abundant refreshments were served. Many guests were also present from Brighton. The contingent from this city went in sleighs, and report a very enjoyable evening, both on the road and at the party. Our young people will do well to enjoy the present good sleighing, as the "January thaw " cannot be far olí. Sometime during last Saturday night thieves broke open a barn belonging to Terrence Bums, on Summit street. ! Th ere being nothing in it but hay, Vthich they seemed to have no use for, tüey proeeeded to the hencoop, broke it open, and appropriated a number of fowls. As Mr. Bums' hens are laying at thiütime, and esrgs are very den, he is hopping mad about the loss ol lus egg-producers, and has a shotguu loaded for the next thief that comes. The folloYving professors will deliver lectures on the subjects stated, in the Sunday morning course at Newberry hall, to cornnience in March and continue until June: March ]9, Prof. B. A. Ilinsdale, 'Preaching in the Light of Pedagogy"; March 26, Prof. J. B. Steere, "The Religious Condition of South America""; April 2, Prof. I. N. Demmoii, "Religión and Poetry"; April 9, Prof. F. R. Mecham, "Sic utere tuo, ut nou alienum laedas"; April 30, Prof. J. C. Rolfe, "The Influence of the Roman Empire on the Growth of Christiaiiity"; May 7, Prof. A.A. Stanley, "Sacred Music'"; May 14, Prof. W. J. Ilerdman, "Scientiflc Methods Applied to Christianity"; May 28, Prof. F. M. Taylor, "The Right of Dissent Witliin tlie Church"; June, 4, Prof. C. 15. Nancrede, "The Physician as a Christian": June 11, Prof. B. M. Thompson, "The Story f the Prodigal Son."