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SIIll NOTEER! 's In addition to our "MA1ÍK DOWN SALE" of Dress Goods, Cloaks, Carpets, Hosiery, Underwear, Blankets, Silks, Linens and House Furnishing Goods, we offer another "SPECIAL SALE'' oí goods which all must have. Onr Inventory occurs Feb. lst, and we wisli to largely reduce our stock of tliose goöds before tliat date. CÜMMENCING FridayMorning We shall offer our entire stock of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, EMBROIDERIES AND HAIDKERCHIEFS At Special Trices to close tliem by FBBRUARY lst. LEAV!LLS&e GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NICJHT ONLY. Wednesday, Feb. 1, '93. Real Eealistic ïtealism. Mr. Neil Burgess' Co. PRESEWTINQ THE COUNTY FAIR! The Original Kna] ,'ompany ExpreRSly Organized Croter ir. Burgess' Personal Supervisión. Eiitire Jíew Scenery. Complete Meclianical Equipmeiits. 5 TMMEB SiCZ MSE5 5 Kun '., of a mile in fvill ami continuouu view ol' the audience. - 50c, 75c and $1.00. Seat? ou Snle at Watts' Jeweiry Store. Estáte of Maurice Dwyer. STATK )K MICHIGAN, COüNTV OF WashteiiHw. ss. Ata session oí' the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate ónice in the City of Aon Arbor, on Thursotty. t Vie 2tith day of. Januavy, ni the yeuroue thousand eight hundred ani ninetythree. Present, J. WlllaM Babliitt. Judsre of Probate. ín the matter of the estáte of Mauriee Dwyer, doceastd. Ou readlng :uul flling the petition, duly verifled. of Charlea l ver, mlminlstrator, prayinjr that he imiy be lieensed to sell the real estáte whereol suid dtioeused dicil seiztd, for ditrihwtioii. Thereupon ir ie imlered thnt Tuesday, the :ïlst day of Kebiiuuy ne.xt Ht 1U o'eloek lin tlie rorendOQ, be stssigrnt-d for the hearIds i; -:ilil peiltion.and that the hirs-at-taw oí" saiii deoeaeed, and uliotber peracnj interested ■ Ín said estáte, re required to apiear at ase&8íoi) of síiid Cotut. tben to be holden at the j Probate Offloe, In the City of Ann Arbor. ; aml show tuse, it' any there be, why the i prayerof the petitioner should uot be grranted. A mt il i further ordered that said petitioner gbre notice to the erKoii9 interested in said estnte. ui the peiuiuncy of said pptition, and the liejiiinif the: ent'. DJ caosing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbör Argu& a newspaper prlnted ml oiiuulated in said e-onuty, three BuoosssÍTO weeks previous to. said day of hearinjr. .1 WILLARD BAHBITT, .ludge of Probate. ! A true. eopy 1 Wk.G, d.ity. Probate Reirister. Commissioners" Notice. IqTATU Of MMIKUN', COUNTY OF i O Washtknaw. 'fr.i underswned having betnap' bv the lr";' ■; t'mrt for said CouDty, Com; missioners to ree ive. examine anU djust all claim ! :iiul demands ot' ;ili uroos Rninst the estnte ot ' Joïiu llarris?i, lik of :iiJ Connty, deccused, ; lu-ivbv (ívc e tli i' mx mouths from date areal. towedi by onlir ut' saill Court, for creditors j to preseut thfir hii"i .iw-umst the estáte of soitf de ceasml. and thai thev will moet at the store of "■dl(' 1.. Slinnkl iiid iu tlie townsbip of SuI perior, in aaid County, on the titb. day of April and uu the Stlth d:iy ot .luly rtext, at ten o'clock a. m. ir cncli tt;ii1' .l.t , to recove, tx.iminc ana adjiist :i'l claims. Uatt'il. Janoary 20, 13 FKEEUAN P. (ÍALP1N JACOB MYEK, Comraissionars. Nu'fit !;■- All union men acétaereby wai against uecept mtr eiuiiloyuient in tin Kegi8ter book aud Job rooms imtil that cotnpany pays the wap-es reeognized by all the other otfioes in By order of Ann Ai bor TVooirraDhical ünion. NTo. 154.


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