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Great Inventory Sale

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.' A.3xrr- EXTKAORDINARY BARGAINS In Dry Goods at the Old Reliable Dry Goods Store of BACH ABEL & CO. To enable us to reduce our Large Stock, we wül sell our whole line of desirable Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices. CLOAKS. DRESS XK)ODS. Silk and Velvets lësaniost StCk Pf C1akS CSt an1 U; StCk f DreSS FabríCS ÍS far to The Prices on these Goods areut to large tor our present wants, and to reduce correspond with other Departments. PLUSH JACKETS, Far Trimmed and Plain at one-half price. UÖ OQ Ulf '11 i il D . i mem Une-nait We Wlll CUt the JrriCesto induce I Piece 24-Inch BLACK FAILLE 95 cents, reduced from U.25. FUR TRIMMED REEFER COATS in black and light colors, at i i , -, , „ , -, p:Q„„ on t i ut a nv t? a tt i t? k n i At cm n .,,.„„,,. , , .. ft ' thp T-orT-klo +- i„u iL LC L. 1 1 ïece, 20 Inch BLACK FAILLE, at 75 cents, reduced from SI. 00. pnces that will sell theni in a verv short time. LX1" peOUie tO taKe mem Olí OUF nanClS 11 Qur $1.25 and $1.35 BLACK GROSS GRAINS, reducod to $1.00 MISSES'ÍCLOAKS at less prices you have ever known them, 10 PIECES ARNOLDS' 4S-INCH, HENRIETTS 7fi .. Our $1.50 BLACK GROSS GRAIN reduced to $1.17. They must be s,old. We cannot aiFord to carry them over. A AC ZT hüini41íi,iiao, í cents, ' ' reduced from $1.00. Our $1.15 BLACK SATÍN RHADAME reduced to 88 cents. , IADIES' PLUSH AND ASTRAKAN SACQUES at lower prices 25 PIECES 0F THE" SILVER TICKET BRAND POTOTïvn $1.35 BLACK STJRAH (one of the latest makes) reduced to fhan the cost of manufacturmg. We have too many, and must T?T?UTv-ntr nrTDTT,,n xiojvüi-üitAlNJJ, LULUKhU sell ' KEJNCH HENRIETTAS, 68 cents a yard, reduced from 80 Üfl-OO. and S5 ceuts. Our $1.00 BLACK BROCADES (all Silk and heavy) reduced to LADIES' AND MISSES' NEAVMARKETS marked to sell from 30 PTFrFS OF THP m?n?RP4Tpn i mcmf 75 cents. tÍ52ot0 f-00" dT,hGSe garmeidS are TÍ fr0$5-A t0 cy. 1HE GELEBRAÏED J CASHMERES, at 43 Our entire line of Colored Silks in FAILLES, SATÍN RHADAMES iilo.OÜ. We need the money and von need the goods. At no OIWi nT?ncu idatihc , -- jij tinae have such real bargains been ffered to Ann Arbor trade. 20 PIECES OF FEEKOU ,SERGE, 40-1NCHES WIDÈ. at 44 $100 '' 7 ' LADIES' CAPES AND MANTLES in black and faucy light cents a jard. whole assortment of TRIMMING SILKS, consisting of Plaids, cloths, reduced in price to sell them all by February lst. Unr Enhre Line oí FRENCH DRESS GOODS consistáis; of Stripes, Brocades and Mories. at 75 cents per yard reduced 812.00 Garments for $8.00; $15.00 Garments for $10.00; SERGES, CREPONS, CORDS AND DIAGONALS so much from $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. $18.00 Garments for $12.00. Don't miss these bargains. You uced in price that their best friends would not 'recognize Our complete stock of PRINTED INDIA SÜRAHS and REAL will never get another chance that equals tlns. them. gJLK 25 PIECES OF WM. HALL & SONS' FAMOUS JAMESTOWN from $L00 and -25 Per 7&rdjrm gl - f&JT CIP DRESS FABRICS, at 18 cents a yard, reduced from 25 cents We offer 5 Pieces of BLACK PEKÍN STRIPED VELVET at 55 rlir vLLI)6S and lilllUs We have not the room or dispsition to keep themcents; cut in price from $L0' ' 10 FANCÏ: PATTËRN DRESSES 'at $7.50 each, reduced from U1' whIe Hn0 of ELACK AND COLORED VELVETS we offer $12.50 and $15.00. We are willing to part with them. i at a reduction in Price that will picase you and will sell the To go and at Prices that will make them al "■ rrarafs, james oo scotch cheviot We ""iTl'ñ' II „f ,„ i,a„ds„mo swivel weave novelgo in Ten Days at the Furthermost. SJSSSdSS mTJI &■ " '"" ' 6-00 S f" SILKS "ot i"enti"ed " prices French Seal Capes at $8.00, reduced from $12.00. 1:i Patterns of the same style of Fabrics and same number of yards, - - - , m' '' 'a i n ■ . ' i t . , at $6-00 and 7-50' reduced froni $8.00, $9.00 and $12.00. Electric Seal Capes with Astrakan Reefer, $11.00: reduced This lot are light colors and very stylish. IfíCICDV HCDADT1 ICSJT c,,ns,0;M nültKT UtCAKIMtNI. troiïi ëZ).Jj. 8 PIECES, JAMES McCREERY & CO , IMPORTED SCOTCH Cl U n i xli ■ i i French Coney Capes with Astrakan Reefers, $5.00; reduced CHEVIOT SUITINGS, SNOW FLAKE MIXTURES, Dark F nosiery Department has been attended 8-00ColTS2oat S5 dents a 'vard' These goods we have sold reularly to m the same manner as other lines. These goods are all new and were the best in the market ; a a jardladies' black english cashmere hose (High Spiiced but We Want the money, henee thlS CUt in pnces, whlCh meanS a 14 PIECES of DAPHENO'S IS-INCH TWILLED FRENCH Heel and Doubled Sole) at 40 cents a pair worth and reduced Considerable loSS tO US. BROADCLOTHS, at 83 cents a yard, reduced from $1.00. from 50 cents. The same style of Hose (better quality) 62 The prices of Mnffs reduced so that everv lady can afford to fre tÜtVvilue CtiíStí" Spri"g Wear' and CGntS & pah' reduCed frOm 75 Centskeep her hands warm. LADIES' (All-Wool) BLACK HOSE, in plain and ribbed, all - All Haids, Stripes and Novelties in Imported Fabrics treated sizes at 20 cents a pair, reduced from 25 and 30 cents - - m 4 i, m thG Same manner' and thhk that t WÍ" mVe them' 3 DoMn B0YS' BLACK AND 0XFD MIXED BICYCLE JOCWG C A m l C 1 G - ■ - ■ - , __- _ H0SE sizes 7 to ÏO, '20 cents a pair, worth 25 to 35 cents a pJJr&mmt mJJ J JkriJtJH JU L.L?I pair. The weather is cold. HílílíP-liEPPIlT 1 IÏVK The urices onuOf our exclusive "-'"es of English and Germán lUlKlL il Cl El I I II LIlKlA Hcsíery will be m keeping with the abovc. 12 PIECES 54-INCH DRESS FLANNELS ranging in price from MWWU lluul lll UlilUlIU. .____ 65, 70 and 75 cents, reduced to 50 cents per yard. - 5 PIECES 54-INCH PLAID DRESS FLANNELS at 43 cent., per $l.25 Bleached Satin Damask, reduced to 05 cents OLAK ETS yard reduced from 65c ti. usj w cu mtoh b 'q'b 1.00 Bleached Satin Damask, reduced to 83 cents. . 5 PIECES 40-INCH IMPORTED PLAID CHEVIOTS, 50 cents 1.35 Belgian Cream Damask, reduced to $1.00. W i , , ,i n i " . lT D . c per yard; reduced from T5c. QQ We have Cut to the Quick in the PriCeS of 50 PIECES 40-INCH DRESS FLANNELS in Plain Colors, Plaids, 75 Belgian Cream Damask, reduced to 60 cents. theSe OOCls, and tor. a pointer We name the Stripes and Novelty Weaves (all wool) at 40c per vard. reduced „. „ , „ _ , , , , L11,--!% from 50 and 60 cents. " Barnsley Cream Damask, reduced to 48 cents. IOllOWinQ. 10 PIECES OF FANc" SAXONY SUITINGS at 20 cents per - " 1?% ?T. ?? f TÍ% '" 7! fJt' H ■ -Ö pair yard, reduced from 25 and 30 cents. The ?,tewarí Estabhshments special and patented design in Table reduced trom $2.50. Damask at $1.6o per yard, reduced from $2.00. IA Paira nf WTTTTir vrvehv ri i ., , Mil n T71 i i T J 1 Al -r ,. . , a i-laii&ot VVH11E JLEECE Blankets at $1.15 per pair, reduced Other DreSS rlannelS and rJroadClOthS Napkins to match with pnces to corispond. from $1.50. These goods are going and will continue to go at Correspondinqly Low Prices. 50"cent Turkey Red Damasks' reducfd t0 2 cents. very fast 1 3 J 40-cent Turkey Red Damasks, reduced to 33 cents. , 25-cent Turkey Red Damasks, reduced to 21 cents. ECZ f T f T ""OOlSH Jnd.Ol?"WOaJI Over -20 Dozen of Napkins ranging in price from $1.00 to $6.0(3 Ol L_ - V 1 1 L, . ■-r w rmMiM. per ozej) re(iuce(j n price to keep up with the procession. - _ r p.e 5 pülow Cage L.nen at 68 centg per ya wo)t]i go The reason for this Extraordina Put ir, LADIES' ALL-WOOL SCARLET VESTS AND PANTS at $1.00, cents. Prirp i tlat ftl, q+ i ALIrainary ÜUt in C=] reduced from $1.40 and $1.50 each. 150 Pieces of Stevens' American Linen Crashes, all qualities in X1OtiS 1S' wjai OUT btOCK IS much tOO large for GENTS' ALL-WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS at 50 cents, reduced f ched and UObleached, which we will sell at the ?? ? i8??' and íf t0 OUt from $1.00 each turers hst-pnees. tne desires of the members of this firm, we MISSES' WHITE AND SPART FT VFSTS A Ni) PANTS f 11 LuncU C1thS' "Iing ,C1,thS'1 Tray Cfoths' .Y1 all cut in price ; redUCed Prices thfoughout the establilLefatnaoT A , _ -ke a ready sale for them. hshment, and the Sale WÜl Continue Until ë 1 Lot of Wlnte Marseilles Countepanes $1.18, reduced from $1.50. February lst, Or as near that time as WP non All other grades at pnces to correspond. 1 Lot of White Croclret Quilts, 82 cents, were sold at $1.10. Complete the figures Of OUr InventOTV a 1 Lot of White Crochet Quilts, $1.42 cents, were sold at $1.75 Which time Wö eXüect to makp ar QTn„l, LADIES1 FLANNEL AND KNIT SHIUTS are uscful articles and ... 4l , . tl ,, ' . n ', J ,. +o +lio _llWcApBtt lo mane an anilOUncewe have a full line and want to sell them. Note these prices: A11 o.ther ?nmber8' both Ma,seilles and Crochet, reduced in price to tO tne PUbllC. $1.40 Flannel Shirts reduced to $1.00. $1 .00 Skirts reduced to 75 keeP in l)ace Wlth the othersPHILIP BACH, cents. Knit Saxony Skirts, 75 cents to 2.00 each, all very GLASS TOWEL1NG AND STA1R L1NEK used the same wav, . ZACHARY ROATH much reduced in price. and we think that the sale wül be lively. SUEVIVINQ PARTNERS OF BACH ABEL & CO THE OLD RELIABLE DRY GOODS HOUSE.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News