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The Testimoniáis Fublished on behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla are as reliable and as worthy your confldence, as if they came trom your best and most trusted neigbbors. They state only the simple facts in regard to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done, always within truth and reason. % Constipation, and all troubles with ;he digestive organs and the liver, are cured by Hood's Pn.Ls. Unequalied as a dinner pill. New and valuable halibut banks lave been.found to the west of Cape Flattery, Wash. Marshall Hali's eady method in drowning, as to what ;o do and bow to do it, will be found n Dr. Kaufmann's Medical Work; line colored plates from Iife. Send three 2 cent stamps, to pay postage, to A. P. Ordvvay & Co., Boston, Mass., and receive a copy free. Vrery hot water is better for jumps and bruises than cold water. It Shoitld be in Evenj House. J. C. "Wilson, 371 Clay street, Sharps' burg, Pa,, says that lie will not be without Dr. King's New Dlacovery for Consumption, Coughs and CoUls, that it cured his wife who was tnreatened with Pneumonía after an atback of "La Grippe," w-hen various other ï-emcdics and several physician. had done her no good. Kobert Baiber, of Cookspoi-t, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he evp.r used for Lung trouble. Nathing like it. Ti-y it. Free Trial Bottles at Eberbacli Drug & Chemical Co., Aun Arbor, and Geo. J. Haussler's drug store. Manchester. Lai'ge bottles, 50c. and 81.00. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posltively Cured By Adminlstering Dr. Heines' Golden Specific. It is manufacturad as a powder, whleh can 3e given in a slass ot beer, a cup ol' coffee or tea, orinfood, without the knowledjie of the patiënt. It is absolutely harmless, and wil] effect a permanent and speedy eire. whether the patiënt ir a moderate drinker or an aluoholic wreek. Tt bas leen given in thojsands ot' cases, and iü eveiy instance a perfect cure has followed. It néver Fails. The system once mipregnateü with the Specific, it beer mes au utter imposibilita for the liijuor apj.jtite to exist. Cures guaranteed. 4 pare look of particular free. Addres. Holden SpociflC Co. 183 Kace St.. Cincfnnati, O. REPORT OF THE 0ONDITI0N MMlï S MÉAIS' W - AT- AISK 4IÍÜOS, MICHIGAN. At the close of business, Deceoibei II, 18Si HESOUKCKS. Loans and discounts $:iO3.1S8 Stocks Ikmds and ilortgages,et; 117,oll 0 Overdruft 6,128 30 lue from li.mks in rserve eities :ï).B9r 1 Oue iViuii otlu'r banks iind bankei% 14 311 11 Due froiu WavlUenuw Co._ :tl,50tl09 Furniture and nxturps ;,WK) li ('urrni exiieiue-. aml taxefi p;iil 2.33i ftï Interest pW 4. 747 K Checksami ohsIi items 1,571 71 Niokels nd pennlfS 24 51 3old coin 7,58480 Silvtr coin 1.1Í71 1 U.S.anö National liank NoUS il. 599 00 Total $537,324 9 LIAIIIMTIES. Capitnl stock paid ín $ f0,000 00 Surplus f und... 10,000 ) Undivided proflts 21,0(19Bf Individual deposita 12B.801 77 OiMtiflcatPsof deposit. 2X},83 51 Savinos deposita 75,654 14 Total 537,324 STATE MICHIGAN, j , Counly ol' Waahtennw. i I, Frederick H. üelser, Cashier of the aboe n:ui)6il bank, do solemnly swear tbat thr above statement is true to the bent of iuy knowledge and belief. F. H. Bblsek, Oashir, Subscribed and sworn to before niethis 14tb day of December, 1S92. H. A. Williams, Notare Pulillo Correct- Attest . Chas. B. tiiii-KNK, i AmbkoHI Kkahnut, J-Diretors. Wm. C. Stbvbns, ) NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sigh, Okamenal asd Fresco Paihter, alldingr, calcimininur, rlazinfr and paper hanjr lnK. Allworkis done in the best 81 y Ie acd warranted to gire satlafaotioD.


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