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Mistake Of A Life

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The Most Terrible Mistake Possi'ble to Make. i AW1 VHE PniCiHTPi;. KKSCI.TS WliK'II FOMdOWEO. All Sbonlfl le Cnrefnl f Avolif This (irruí l)ii-ïcr. Tlu world is i íTcli's;-. And t is j -w. 'lm earflessness which coneti tutes me greatest element of (langer. Fren hitte tilinga yrow grp,nt t.hiugs - a Fmll hi '.'nn'u ofien resulta in an awful aii'l iH-Hit'oiiK t'iidint;. A jientlHiuRn cllknovvii liy ds has just paísed 'itroutcb mi experienoe whiuh perfei'tly denionntrates thia. He began to bave certain fnelinas which he could not exnlain. He grew laiiguid and lired, f-lt wenk, in fact after any kind of exertion. He had headachp, diz.iness and his slomach aid bowtels trunbled hinx. There was a sediment in his water Af nr a while he had numb epellSj treuiblina faling ia his legs, arias and body. Tb en rlinre cnme prickling sensatious in hin fingere and toeta. Suddf nly he had i shock of paralysis. For the sim pi reason iht hehaü for ïnouttis Degleuied, ttirough ignui-anoe ot' their real meaauii: an i darfger, the gradual ly rowicg syniptorus t" this awful disease. This gentlemen, v)m i.s no other than the wel'-ltQown Wil Ham T. Cox, Esq., of 181 FriendBhip Street, Jfrovideuce, 11. 1.. as al;-sson to otlieis against neglectina the sytuptutne and fet-lings which so surely lead (o parxlysis, stated to us ihe fttvta f hia i use, t rusting that otilen will p-rofit bv this mistake. Kverv word i trne. WII.J.IAM 'T. COX. i "For two yenrs I feit bul with iiai!ache, and emwl weak mij tired at, times. My bowela ironbVeri me and at times ra water wae not what it shonld be. "I (lid not lake ray medicine, bnt iet : tnyself alone and went on witb my work. "Ttiere is where I rnade the mistake of my life. for this oud feeling was followed by paralyris. I could not do work for two years. I was entirely helpless.eould noi walk, eould not even feed myself. "I heardofDr.Greent-'sNeivura blood I and nerve reinedy, and took it tor six ! monthg.and am now cnréd. "What a serious inistake it as not to take it befojrn tbe fhor-k of paralysis, and so prevent U ijanaer. "I am now 78 years old and fee! young and strons;." If tuis proves a iefson to onr peop'e and results in havng theee weak, tired and exhausted feeims and ba) symptrms takin tVie woiidprOi] medicine, Dr. Green's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and so pre venting the dread resulta, paralysin, nsanity or nervous proetration, we shal] fee) that Mr. Cox'e C886 lü'S not been iven publieity iii vuiii. The remedy is purely vegetable aml bárrales?, and ifi kepf, hj' druggists for SI . It is recnnnnended by doctors becanse ir is ïhe discovery and prescriptiou of th famous pbysininn, Dr. Greene, of 35 W. Hi.h Street, New York. The doctor is the most sucvéssful of onr fif('ia!ifts in ;ure of all forms of nervous and cbronic diseases, and can be consul ted without cbarge, personallv or by letter.


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