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Estáte of T. Dwight Townsend. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV O of At a eession of the Probate Court for the county of W ashtenaw, holden at th Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, n Tuesday, the Slt day of January, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and uinéty-three. Preaent, J. Willard Diibbitl. Jud ge of Probate In tbematter of the estáte of T. DwiJ-ht Townserid.deeeased, Sidney W. riaikson, the administrator of 3aid estáte, comes into court anrl representa that he is now prepared to rendor lus final account as such admiiiistr.ttor. Thereupoii !t is or.iered, that Tueslay, the 2Sth dav of Ftbiiniiy next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, oeaasined for oxamining and allowing such nocouiit, .and tbat the heirs at law ofsaul dtceased, and 'ill other persons interectt-i in 'i.d córate, are rt ijuired to appear at a eession of id court, then lo be holden at the Probate ottice in the city m" Ann Arbor, ia siad County, and sbnw cruise, t any there be. whythe s;üo aceount should nol bp allowed And it is furtherorderethit said admiuistratorgivenotice to the per. inierested m said estáte of tinpendencj 01 a.ui account and the hearine tbereof, by caiiedng a copjr of ihis order to be pabïished in the Ann Abboje Aruub, anewspaper printed and circulaiing in aaid county, tbree succesoive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J . U XLLAR D KA BBITT, (A trnecupy) Judgeoi Probate. Williav. ir. I)ity, Probate Kesrister. Morgage Sale. Deíault haviug been made n theconditionof a mortg&ge hearing date November 21st, 1887, made liy Frederick C. Hueon to Eliza Bisele, and recorded inthe office of the Register oí Deeds for ashtenaw County, in th State of Michigan, un i lie 21st day of November, 1887, in líber 72 of inortirages, on page 3BS, by the non payment of uioneye duc theteon, by which the power of sale therein comained has become operative, ml on which mortgufre there is ciaimed to ho ilae at the date of this notice the 6im of Five Ttaousund Three Ilundred Twenty-fourand D9-1U0 Dollars, i.'.Kl.W). includiugtaxeeand Insurance paid, and un suit or proueedinjrs at law havinK been instituted to recnvt'r tlie auiount now remainmy secured by - - ï i J morru (;_.■. or any pare theroof, notiee is thereforc bereby giren rhat on Friday tlieáth ,1ay of Muy. IH:, at 11 o'clock in the iorenoon. there ill be sold at the eat front door of the t,.'ouri House, ín iheeitj of Aim Arbor, in the CouDty of Wasntenaw and Stato of Michigan, u public vendne. to the bighest bidder, the premisee descrltied n eaid mortgage, or s mucli thereof as maj be Decessary to satisfy the itnii 'iint due :i , ut mortage as above set fortb, witb the interest ihercon and theoosts, charles aud expenses iillowed by lw and proviiieri for m salM mortfrage; Bald preruises beingsituRted iu the Townsnip of Anti Arbor, in County " Washteoaw and State of Michigan. ao1 ueseribed na foilows, to wit: Tho c;ist h;il i tu iiir aorthweet iuarter and all tlmt part ! (he wes half of theeaet half of the soutnwest arter of section nineteen (19), in Townhip two sonth of Kangesix ((least, which lir north (! the aorth Do.xter roud orosini: saUí lot; suifi landlifinir alt located ou section nlneteeo (19, and contalnlng eijrhty-four imiari'i hal; e o acres of land, moreorless. DatedJanuary Keih, is:!. RU7.& KI-i I .!:. Mortgagee. 'l'nriMI-Sl)N. 11 IKIUMAK il i'HOMI'SOX, AttOrneys tor MortnagtH', Notice lo Creditors. QTATB OF MJU.'HTGAN, COtTN'TY OF, is horeby jïivcn, thatby :in oult-r ol l'mn.ik Couvt tor the Countv o"l Waahtenaw, imwc ■-., the 3J ,lay of January iA. l. IS y. s mnnths (ram tliat Jute were üUowfd forore litoif m piesoat their claims against the .vl.ttc ..I" Kcrtun Wliite, late of saic; oounly, deoèas'fi. u,d thot all croililors af saia 11 ' ed to present their chinus tosaiii Probate i mm, lihe Probate Office in th oiM oi Au ii Arbor, tor examiaation ünd allnwancf, on mi beforo llie tliirá Say of .Tuiv next, nul 'i i::ii,i„ win iw heard iliüil day of April and ":i tlH tlltrd il i-, ,.' luly ncxt, :lt teu n'clock ui the toi-1-u..tir. ir ■ ■ h ni lid days. Dn!,,,. .i,n i . .! ■ iu.-ir ód. A. I). 1S93. J. i;.I.AUD BABB1TT, Judice of Probate. WANTÉD. Quick, activo man at once. Must tpsak Gorman, and fumista references. $18 PER WEEK. .. . The (!kicago Piililicat ion and Litnograpb Co. 194 Madisoa St, CHICAGO, ILL.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News