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Health Is Wealth!

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"ERVE I [iriAIN Db. E. C. Wkst's Nerve and BeaIn Tiikeat MENT, a guaranteed speciflc lor Hysteria. Dizziness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration causeil by tho use oí alcohol or tobáceo, Wakefuluoss, Mental Depression, of the Brain resulting in insanlty and to misery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss oí Power in elther sex, Involuntary Losscg and Spermatorrhcea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one months treatmenu 11.00 a box, or six boxes for 15.00, sent by mail prepaid on recoipt of price. WE GUAU ANTEE SIX BOXES Tocure any case. With each order receired by us for six boxes, accompanied with Í5.00, w will send the purchaser our written guárante to refund the money if the treatment does no effect a cure. Guarantees iesued only by Eborbach & Son, Druggists, Sole Agrents, Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward for any case pf LiverComplaiiit,Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Indigestión, Conetipation or Costiveness we t-annot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis when the directions are strictly complied with I hcy are purely Vegetable, and never fail to givesati8faction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes contetning 80 Pilis, 25 cents . Beware of oounterieits and imitations. The genuine manuíífíjvríPTPí11111 JOHN WEST COM" gists CIIICAGO For sa]e bJ' all


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News