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C. Eberbach & Sons, Agents

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IS 1116 Hörtfl Uïlllöi 10$' ' ■ ' ta Itisnot if youarenot in possession of tb fuU y . v for enjoyin;; ii. We olfor M ihe . publica trueaud trusty reniedy. the M %Mdám ELIXIR OF youth, 'iflv ttmiBÏEJeni A P"sitive, speedy, safe and reliable scientifif; WKtM-B'St!i'B i MaPra compuund, maimlaeturedoiily by skillea chein tftt' i BKwmKSlÏBwSTWU i Ists' lrom ttlePrescr'plionoiaGermanphysiciau AF JU j NtffTmMBrySw Ia i 1 of world-wulclume. SM A ftBhJffW!&gaH A SI 11 AVeguaranteettiisElixir torestore the vitalit.y 'jkffllÊBi of youth to tbose who are sullering írorn tlío ■J, rJilf SsKSWÊSÊÊÊHSÊIm. atmses eo comraon in this age. It is a positivo ' 5. ■■i'SiajSKÍSr Pure rr Spermatorrhea, Loss of Power Nigbt . '.' .m_--t!=y Kniissions and all Seminal Weakness. we puh. i r ,v . ,, ' - 'r lish nonaraes, but have on lile sworn tes timo nial lof iho wonderful resulta produced by this elixir, whioü we are autüorized losüow on apiilicatlon oi anyone reniiirlng suuh a medicino. BE A MAN AGAIN. . M.'.'ií, nor do we o-fTer you a quack nostrum, but a legitimat? ana si leattflc preparation, whfoli wlll aurely do all we claim íor it. The Elixir ík put, un in loa buale, and retal lslor Í1.0O, or8 for $5.00. This valuable remedy will be fouud un gala Dy ;.i! leiding druKiats. Each rtruggist has on lile sworn tcstíiiioiualscif the wondeifui c iras produced by thia Klixir.and i.ue propiietors conüdenfly referan in ceod of it to them. , YhO Germán Hospital .Remedy Go., Grand Rapids. íaich. For Sale by all Druecists.


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