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HALF-O F F SALE OF CLOAKS CONTINUED. v Comforts Blankets onderwaar All at Bargain Prices for # PEBEUAHY. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY Tuesday, Feb. 14, '93. urn mm AND MISS FBUIB FIELD SUPPORTED BY A STKONG COMPANV OF PLAVEKS IN AiDEM BENEDICT'S SPECTACULAR DRAMA, FABIO Uil Thrillinx and Interestinir Eaithquake Effect. AnKriiptionof Mount Veeuvius. Ultiminatiou ot' the ltnv of Naples. The Kamousrierpentme Dauce by Szerina. Prics: - 35c, 50c and 75c. Seats 0:1 Sale at Watts' Jewelry Store. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, BANKios DeparUnent, Ofliee of the Cominissioner. r w herwis. By satisfactory evidenee presented to the understirned, it has been made to appeaithat thu State Savinjis liank of Ann Avbnr, in the City of Ano Arbot in the County of Washtenaw, Siate oí Mietrtcan, has complied with all thi' proviaions of the iieneral Law ot tbe state of Michigan, required tobecompbed with betoie i corppration shali be authorized to comiiience the business ot' BaukinLr. Now therefuro. I, Theodore C. Sherwodd, Oounnlssloner of the Srat Department, do hei-eby oertify that the State Savings Bank of Ann ■ rbor, in the City of Ann Arbor. in the County Of Washtonawand Stateof Michran, Is anthoried to commence the business of Bauliinif, as provided in Seetion Seven (7) of ! t.h e (ïeneral Haukius Law of the State ot' . Muhiran. In teetimony whereof, witness niy hand and seal of office at Lansing, this eiifbteenth das of November, 189a. No 144. THBODÜ11E C. SHEKWOOD, ('onimissioner of the Banking Department. [ Estáte of T. Dwight Townsend. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasbtonaw , ss. At a session of the Probate Court (or the ooiiuty of shtenaw, hulden at the Probate Oltiee, in the city of Ann Arbor, n Tue.sday. the :ïlst dav of .Tannarv, in the yeaï one ttiDusund cisht hnndred and ninisty-three Presunt, J. WilUtd Bnbhitt, ludge of Probate In them;ttfr ut ; !! t-aie of T. Dwight Townsetil, ducAased. 8idoey W.l bti-kson the admitiistrator of sald estáte, comes lm o onrt and représeme that he is now prepared to reinier hts final -.wcount as sucl idmlniBtrator. Thereupo it is irdered, that Tueslay, th -"Stil day of KtliriKity next. at 10 o' doek ir. the _ foren ■ ,-i.Mi-cl for exsmining and altOTins riuch tcnoNitt, -md tlH the beirsat law of satd dcoaued, and all other persons intereti'-l m said esiüfe. are required to appear at a ensii'n ui vaá court, then ío be holden at the Prohatp "co in rhprityof Aun Arbor, in sud Oonnty, (iidahirw i -usi', if anythere be. why the iii . aoeount shiuld riot be nlowel. Anti it .- fnrther orift-rtii' toad s?,id aduiinistratorgivenotipeto U.e peraona inierested in said estáte oí Ihe pendency of s-ini nccorini and the hparing thereoi'. by caufdng a copy of this order to be published in the A vs Arbor Akgus, a newspaper printed and eiicnlaiiie in nard county, thive sucoesaive week previuus tosuid day of hearin. J. ILI.AKD BABBITT, (A truecopy) Judgeof Probatf-, Willux ti. Rut, ProBate Reg-ister.


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