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D i e CURE Bick Headache and relieve all tbo tronbleg fnoi" dent to a bilious state of the systera, Buch aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dzstress after eating. Pain in the Si Je, &c. While theirmost remarcable euccess has been showa m cuiiBg sick Eeadaehs, yet Carter's Little Liver Pilis ar equally valuable in Constipation, cnring ar-d praventing thisannoyingcomplaiutwljila thty also correct all disorders of thestomacii.Btimulate tha Jiver and regúlate the bowela. Eveniitiiej-only HËAD ■ Acbsthey wonld be UnoBtpricelesato those who iufer from thisdistresfiiagcoinpiaint; butfortuEately their goodnese does notend here.and tiloso whooncetrythemwillflnd these little pillsvaluAble in soraany ways tiiat thej' will not be wiíaing todo without them. But after alleiokhcaci ACHE fis the bane of so many livoa that here ia -whera we make our great boas t. Our pill3 cura it whila ethers do not. Carter" Little Li ver Pilis are very smail and very easy to take. One or tvro pilla mako a dese. They are strictly vegetable mud do not gripe or purge, but by their gen Ha action plea3e ail who cse them. In vials at 25 cents ; five for $1. So'd by druggiïts eTerywhera, or sent hy maU. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yorli. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE FageWovenWire Fencc - -- ■ - - - -- . , - ...... i i - -■ L--L-4 - [ - i i . ._i_B A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock '. ' The Best and Cheapest Fence for the Farm, Made in air.ea from 24 to 58 inches high, either galvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no other. M. Staebler, Aun Arbor. PREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notiee at reasonahle cnarcres For further partículare cali at the Argus office Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules banish pain. Ripans Tabules cure scrofula. Ripans Tabules prolong life.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News